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Palmer Calls Throwing at Joseph a Gutless Act


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What was the play with Reyes that Jim Hunter mentioned?

Basically Reyes being a punk sore loser. Reyes dove head first into home on a Valencia base hit and jammed his hand on CJs foot. Did not look intentional but possibly illegal for blocking the plate (arguably he was trying to catch the ball but he did have his foot planted on the bag).


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On Baseball Tonight, Dallas Braden basically defended Stroman. Said people loved it when Nolan Ryan would give "Texas bowties," and that maybe Stroman was good enough to command a pitch and stick up for his team and send a message. Slight backtrack at the end after Manny Acta agreed with Showalter and basically said the new blocking rule is crap - he was jumping on Acta's coattails to blame the new rule for creating these situations.

I had the show on in the background to see how they would cover the game. Why the hell did I do that?

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On Baseball Tonight, Dallas Braden basically defended Stroman. Said people loved it when Nolan Ryan would give "Texas bowties," and that maybe Stroman was good enough to command a pitch and stick up for his team and send a message. Slight backtrack at the end after Manny Acta agreed with Showalter and basically said the new blocking rule is crap - he was jumping on Acta's coattails to blame the new rule for creating these situations.

I had the show on in the background to see how they would cover the game. Why the hell did I do that?

I haven't watched Baseball Tonight in years. Does any non NYY/BOS fans still watch that show?

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On Baseball Tonight, Dallas Braden basically defended Stroman. Said people loved it when Nolan Ryan would give "Texas bowties," and that maybe Stroman was good enough to command a pitch and stick up for his team and send a message. Slight backtrack at the end after Manny Acta agreed with Showalter and basically said the new blocking rule is crap - he was jumping on Acta's coattails to blame the new rule for creating these situations.

I had the show on in the background to see how they would cover the game. Why the hell did I do that?

Quite possibly the worst hour of programming on television. They spend an hour repeating what happened to is constantly when we can all see what happened with our very own eyes and then adding absolutely nothing of value to the discussion.

At least quick pitch gives us hot chicks to look at.

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He was upset because he hurt his pinkie when his hand hit Joseph's foot. Of course, he doesn't understand he was a total jackass for not sliding into home feet first.

And if any of the Orioles pitchers try to retaliate tomorrow or Wednesday, they would also be in the jackass category. There is too much on the line to be a fool.

That's the truth. This team has too much to play for. Don't screw it up.

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Palmer cracks me up.

"I I I don't think he intentionally did it"

"It's gutless...I think he threw at him"

"If I was pitching, I'd take one for the club"

"When Bautista comes up, or when Reyes comes up...he's taking it right in the knee"

MAybe he could do that in the 60's. Can't do it now.

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I can't stand the Blue Jays. In some ways, I dislike them more than the Yankees. And it has nothing to do with Cito, to be honest. It just has everything to do with how they approach the game, their lack of character players, the rudeness of some of their fans, their comments and actions during the game, the ineptness of their front office, etc.

They deserve to be clinched on, and I hope it happens tonight and they get to witness what a real baseball team looks like.

I think Cito has long been a force in forging the overall timber of the team.

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Same situation happened to Hardy in the Cards series and caused him to miss nearly a week because he couldn't hold a bat sufficiently.

The squirreliness of the home plate rule has caused this. I don't keep track but how many hand/finger injuries happened last season with base runners coming in head first?

The runners seem to either think the plate will be 100% covered up and can't run towards the kryptonite, OR they think it will be 100% open and leave themselves open for dislocated digits.

No more head first slides to home I guess.

They slide feet first into home, they face the strong possibility of sliding into shin guards and a leg/ankle injury. The cards are stacked against the baserunner on that play. Many of the runners have adapted to the small "lane" available to the them by using the heads first slide and the left hand tag at the back of the plate. That strategy is not without peril.

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