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O's Sign Everth Cabrera


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I'm going to take away these positives, rather than dwell on the negatives:

1. Cabrera has a history of being successful in the major leagues.

2. He's not in a pitchers park anymore.

3. The Padres never stuck out to me as a team with a leader. In the same way you can see guys act smart under a leader like Ray Lewis, the Orioles have carved out a similar place for Adam Jones. Maybe Cabrera just needs guidance in his life.

4. This is the kind of speed the Orioles need on the basepaths.

I like this point of view!

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Yeah, but that rarely seems to happen. When was the last time we released a player in spring training who we'd signed to a major league contract that winter?

In any event, I'm more concerned with whether we get the 2009/2013 version of Cabrera (.700+ OPS) or the 2010/2014 version (<.600 OPS). He could turn out to be a very useful player, or a bust. For $2.4 mm, it's not a huge risk. It's kind of like signing Alexi Casilla in 2013, though slightly more expensive (Casilla cost $1.7 mm).

Last year. Edgmer Escalona

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I think it is the issue of a one year deal actually. I could be wrong.

Pretty sure you are wrong.

And even arbitration based contracts have never been broken for releasing a player to save money. Even though the langauge is there no one has tried it and the MLBPA has said they would fight it. A team would have to prove the release was for poor performance and not payroll.

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The option es muy grande....

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> waiting for results of Cabrera physical. He has an option, which is huge. Could compete at 2B or utility</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">February 18, 2015</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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