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Regretting Not Signing Andrew Miller?


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No one here wanted Miller more tha me last season. No one had higher expectations of him for last season. No one justified the cost of Miller more than me. And I was a huge Rodriguez fan. But I was never of the delusion that the Orioles would actually retain him. And that saddened me. He was a hired gunslinger. Not someone to wine and dine.

I hated it from the jump. Just went with it once the playoffs got underway, because what's done is done. Now the constant "we should have re-signed Miller" comments has made me hate it all over again.

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Andrew Miller 7.1 innings, ERA 0.00, 2 hits, 15 strikeouts. Mr. Angeles do you want to win? He comes in the 8th significant odds say we have the win tonight. Matusz and Hunter contracts are a combined 7.8 million. Miller?s is 9 million. Yes spend the extra 1.2 million this year for Miller. How much are we going to spend the next three years on the bullpen to replace Miller?s production for the duration of Miller?s contract? Time will tell. Angelos decided to go cheap and he let his loyal fans down. A long way to go, but early returns indicate this is a flawed team. We did nothing to improve the team. Go ahead apologists start ripping me. I am sure the next post will say starting pitching is our issue not the bullpen. I say both the bullpen and starting pitching are issues. What did we do to improve our starting pitching? Just like the rest of the team. Nothing. How valuable was Miller during the playoffs last year? We had a GM that wants to be in Toronto, and an owner that has a history of ripping the press anytime anything negative about the team is written (please read Buster Olney this week talking about Angelos and his treatment of the press).

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I guess I am an "Angelos apologist" then. I think people have magical ideas about this guy and his possible influence on the team at this point, and how much should be spent on the team. The same people always make the same posts and it's always throwing money at the problem in the most generic possible fashion. And if they always had their way, it would be a moot point, we wouldn't be able to afford signing Andrew Miller because we were paying off Alfonso Soriano or Carlos Lee or JOSH HAMILTON. None of you ever operate in reality.

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A few nights ago, I was listening to the radio, 105 THE FAN. The guy (I forget who) was making a point that Nelson Cruz wouldn't be worth all that money for 4 years. But if Nellie Cruz had helped the O's get into this year's World Series, then he'd be worth it, even if his production declined for the following years. I pondered on this for several days, read various posts about what Cruz would do in the 4th year of his contract. However, I believe that the guy on 105 THE FAN had a point. Cruz probably wouldn't be producing a whole lot during his 4th year. But there was a good chance that he'd be performing well for this year and perhaps for next year.

I thought that the team should have signed Cruz duringthe off season and I still think that they should have signed him. I know, I know, it's water over the dam and it can't be changed. He plays for the Mariners, and chances are good that he'll help the Mariners get into post season. I just think that he could have helped the Os instead.

There, I had to get that off my chest.

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A few nights ago, I was listening to the radio, 105 THE FAN. The guy (I forget who) was making a point that Nelson Cruz wouldn't be worth all that money for 4 years. But if Nellie Cruz had helped the O's get into this year's World Series, then he'd be worth it, even if his production declined for the following years. I pondered on this for several days, read various posts about what Cruz would do in the 4th year of his contract. However, I believe that the guy on 105 THE FAN had a point. Cruz probably wouldn't be producing a whole lot during his 4th year. But there was a good chance that he'd be performing well for this year and perhaps for next year.

I thought that the team should have signed Cruz duringthe off season and I still think that they should have signed him. I know, I know, it's water over the dam and it can't be changed. He plays for the Mariners, and chances are good that he'll help the Mariners get into post season. I just think that he could have helped the Os instead.

There, I had to get that off my chest.

Cruz might not perform in the 2nd and 3rd years either. Guys his age, unlike Bonds and Ortiz, generally don't get better at baseball.

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It's early, but so far, he's doing OK.

Yeah, great start this year. He faded for us last year after a torrid start, and I'm just not convinced he's going to be better next year or the year after that. It could be an awful contract.

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