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vs. WHITE SOX, 5/28 (Game One)


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That's not why he was ejected. The ump made a bad call on a check swing. Manny asked for an appeal to 1B but the ump wouldn't do it. In frustration, Manny slammed his bat down hard. Up until that point it was all completely the umpire's fault. But Manny's hot temper made him look like a child. The ejection was completely warranted.

If I were Buck, I would sit him for game 2.

Glad you aren't Buck.

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That's not why he was ejected. The ump made a bad call on a check swing. Manny asked for an appeal to 1B but the ump wouldn't do it. In frustration, Manny slammed his bat down hard. Up until that point it was all completely the umpire's fault. But Manny's hot temper made him look like a child. The ejection was completely warranted.

If I were Buck, I would sit him for game 2.

I know, he threw the bat down. My mistake, I thought he was asking what made him do that.

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One of these days Manny's immaturity is gonna cost us big time. Not here. But he needs to control his emotions. This aint Pony league.

You are right but ump has to check with 1st or 3rd if this isn't pony league. Personally getting sick of HP ump just calling it. That's not their job.

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That's not why he was ejected. The ump made a bad call on a check swing. Manny asked for an appeal to 1B but the ump wouldn't do it. In frustration, Manny slammed his bat down hard. Up until that point it was all completely the umpire's fault. But Manny's hot temper made him look like a child. The ejection was completely warranted.

If I were Buck, I would sit him for game 2.

If I were Buck, I would try to win game 2.

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Manny......it's getting time to grow up. That stuff may have not been a big deal in the steroid era, but you just cannot show up an umpire like that anymore.

Even if he is 100% wrong, you take your lumps like a man and move on. Getting tossed, especially when you are already getting a reputation as a hot head/punk (and yes, while we all disagree, Machado doesn't have the best rep around baseball right now), doing things like this will only make sure that reputation sticks.

I don't want to be rooting for "lil papi" for the next 5-10 years.

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You are right but ump has to check with 1st or 3rd if this isn't pony league. Personally getting sick of HP ump just calling it. That's not their job.

They will need to change the rules to get all home plate umps to cede that authority away.

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That's not why he was ejected. The ump made a bad call on a check swing. Manny asked for an appeal to 1B but the ump wouldn't do it. In frustration, Manny slammed his bat down hard. Up until that point it was all completely the umpire's fault. But Manny's hot temper made him look like a child. The ejection was completely warranted.

If I were Buck, I would sit him for game 2.

If I was mlb I'd be sitting down HPs how make check swing calls.

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Once the home ump makes the call, isn't it done? I think the catcher can only appeal a no-call, but a hitter can't appeal a called strike.

Of course the call's been made and Manny isn't going to get it overturned. 1st base ump isn't going to contradict home plate even if he then asked. The bat slamming is bush league and Manny needs to get a grip, but to be clear, I don't have a problem with Manny getting ejected for going off at the ump, MLB needs to change home plate calling check swings. This has been an issue around the league all year.

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