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Orioles trade Davies for Parra. Your verdict?


Do you like the Davies for Parra trade?  

193 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the Davies for Parra trade?

    • I approve. A small price to pay to fix the O's OF hole with a quality veteran.
    • I disapprove. The O's gave up up a pitching prospect for a rental who won't move the needle.

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No worries though, he was just a mediocre middle reliever...:rolleyestf:

Sinking 89-91 MPH fastball, plus swing and miss change, average curveball, all of which he commands.

Pitch F/X classifies his pitches into 7 different categories which means he changes speeds and looks on his pitches which increases his effectiveness. Plus he's 22-years old. On top of it, all seven have plus pitch values. No seriously, not one pitch is below average.

If Davies was still in our system, he's probably the number one or two prospect for me (Grant it it's more to do with a lack of options than anything, but still). Instead, we got a .574 OPS and a -1.2 WAR from Parra on a team that will finish below .500.

So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now?

This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.

I of course knew he had been bad but had not realized he had been that bad.

That is kinda impressive.

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No worries though, he was just a mediocre middle reliever...:rolleyestf:

Sinking 89-91 MPH fastball, plus swing and miss change, average curveball, all of which he commands.

Pitch F/X classifies his pitches into 7 different categories which means he changes speeds and looks on his pitches which increases his effectiveness. Plus he's 22-years old. On top of it, all seven have plus pitch values. No seriously, not one pitch is below average.

If Davies was still in our system, he's probably the number one or two prospect for me (Grant it it's more to do with a lack of options than anything, but still). Instead, we got a .574 OPS and a -1.2 WAR from Parra on a team that will finish below .500.

So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now?

This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.

You were right. Bad trade. I don't think they'll miss Davies much, but the team was made worse with Parra.

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So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now?

This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.

I was in the 97 who didn't like the trade. But whereas I merely disliked it at the time, I really hate it now. Just like I hate the EdRod trade.

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No worries though, he was just a mediocre middle reliever...:rolleyestf:

Sinking 89-91 MPH fastball, plus swing and miss change, average curveball, all of which he commands.

Pitch F/X classifies his pitches into 7 different categories which means he changes speeds and looks on his pitches which increases his effectiveness. Plus he's 22-years old. On top of it, all seven have plus pitch values. No seriously, not one pitch is below average.

If Davies was still in our system, he's probably the number one or two prospect for me (Grant it it's more to do with a lack of options than anything, but still). Instead, we got a .574 OPS and a -1.2 WAR from Parra on a team that will finish below .500.

So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now?

This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.

He sure has looked like you said he would.

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Eh, not me.

I didn't love him, just didn't think it was feasible to improve much on him.

But if you double his numbers he had a better year then Markakis!

I wasn't dumping either and defensively he was better than Parra. At the start of the season he played a lot of musical chairs with de Aza and Pearce. I don't think he ever really got in a groove. He definitely didn't perform up to what he could have, but Parra wasn't going to move the needle over what Snider was doing. Especially at the expense of Davies.

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Eh, not me.

I didn't love him, just didn't think it was feasible to improve much on him.

But if you double his numbers he had a better year then Markakis!

Yeah. I'm iffy about his defensive component, but he had a positive oWAR, mainly because he could draw walks. In hindsight they probably should have kept him.

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I wasn't dumping either and defensively he was better than Parra. At the start of the season he played a lot of musical chairs with de Aza and Pearce. I don't think he ever really got in a groove. He definitely didn't perform up to what he could have, but Parra wasn't going to move the needle over what Snider was doing. Especially at the expense of Davies.

...and De Aza has been better too since leaving Baltimore. Especially in Boston! Again, hindsight, but the best move may have been to stay the course.

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No worries though, he was just a mediocre middle reliever...:rolleyestf:

Sinking 89-91 MPH fastball, plus swing and miss change, average curveball, all of which he commands.

Pitch F/X classifies his pitches into 7 different categories which means he changes speeds and looks on his pitches which increases his effectiveness. Plus he's 22-years old. On top of it, all seven have plus pitch values. No seriously, not one pitch is below average.

If Davies was still in our system, he's probably the number one or two prospect for me (Grant it it's more to do with a lack of options than anything, but still). Instead, we got a .574 OPS and a -1.2 WAR from Parra on a team that will finish below .500.

So for the 95 of you that was for this trade and especially for you folks that think Davies was nothing more than a throw away arm, how do you like that trade now?

This was a stupid trade at the time and it'll become epically bad as the Orioles try to put together their rotation next year minus Davies.

I was not a fan of trading for Parra, and I have heard from the horses mouth the Brewers really like Davies, but I wouldn't drive my car off a cliff or anything over a couple of September starts. That said, the trade didn't ever make much sense, and even if Davies *did* turn out to be nothing more than a middle-reliever that cheap production is sure more useful than a couple months of Parra on a team fighting uphill to be a contender for a one-game playoff spot.

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I was not a fan of trading for Parra, and I have heard from the horses mouth the Brewers really like Davies, but I wouldn't drive my car off a cliff or anything over a couple of September starts. That said, the trade didn't ever make much sense, and even if Davies *did* turn out to be nothing more than a middle-reliever that cheap production is sure more useful than a couple months of Parra on a team fighting uphill to be a contender for a one-game playoff spot.

I wouldn't say that being a game and a half back in the Wild Card race was an "uphill battle". We weren't that far back. I think there were a lot of warning signs there that the team would fall back, but I could see the logic behind making a move if you think Parra's bat would continue to stay hot.

Unfortunately, his bat cooled off as soon as he got to Baltimore. That said, I never really got the feeling that the Os ever saw him as a legit prospect. Maybe it was a mistake, though I still don't really see the big deal. I really saw this as a nothing-burger kind of trade. We gave up a pitcher who some see upside in for a hot bat that ended up cooling off.

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I was not a fan of trading for Parra, and I have heard from the horses mouth the Brewers really like Davies, but I wouldn't drive my car off a cliff or anything over a couple of September starts. That said, the trade didn't ever make much sense, and even if Davies *did* turn out to be nothing more than a middle-reliever that cheap production is sure more useful than a couple months of Parra on a team fighting uphill to be a contender for a one-game playoff spot.

I was talking to my scout friend,who thinks the Brewers got some nice prospects in trades.Thinks they could be a pretty good team in two or three years.Also thinks the NL Central will be the toughest division over the next few years.

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Tony: Sorry if you've already voiced this somewhere, but I'd like to know whether you would have rather traded Davies (plus perhaps other prospects or for other prospects instead of Davis) for a player or two better than Parra, stayed still until the off-season, or been a seller of some of our soon-to-be star free agents?

I would have only dealt Davies for a player or players that were good now and we had at least another year or two of control. even then, I had no faith in this team and would have been sellers rather than buyers in July.

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