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A potential storm brewing?


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At the end of the day I am wondering if the players harbor resentment for the offseason and allowed that to effect their play this year. Also, if there is an issue in the FO, those things have a way to trickle down to the field.

None of that may be the case. We have gone 3-15 the last 18 games. I see many subtle mental errors. Never thought a Buck team would look this bad.

Honestly, Buck hasn't seemed like the Buck from pre 2015. I think letting Cruz and Nick walk did give him some resentment towards DD. I'm sure the Toronto thing left some distaste too.

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If this team is that mentally weak, every single one of them should be shipped off. I don't think they're weak like that. I think they know they're completely out of it and are frustrated and pitching pathetically.

That said, who couldn't see this coming in regards to our SP? Tillman was a disaster all year save for like a month or so. Norris a disaster. Gonzo a disaster sign coming off the DL. Gausman wasn't developed right. So it came down to Ubaldo and Chen...and that's fools gold, baby.

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I stated in an earlier thread that I think Duquette will step down shortly after the season ends and a shakeup is coming. Just a gut feeling that something is wrong in the warehouse.

After Angelos refused to let him out of his contract to take a promotion, why would Dan leave a penny on the table. He works at the job until his contract is over or he gets bought out (which aint happening)

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Honestly, Buck hasn't seemed like the Buck from pre 2015. I think letting Cruz and Nick walk did give him some resentment towards DD. I'm sure the Toronto thing left some distaste too.

I was referring to the players, not Buck.

There has been a lot of smoke this year. Adam complaining in the offseason. Davis saying how he wanted to see the commitment from the team in the spring. I know it is easy to look for excuses when the team isn't playing well. The starters haven't been good all year and the offense is inconsistent. That being said I don't like how we are finishing.

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Buck mentioned in post game how 3 mistakes cost them 3 runs. Not sure if he was referring to mistakes or bad pitches. He then referenced how important the mental/emotional part of the game is this time of the year.

I think the players have mailed it in. I know I have. Just not enough talent to overcome the teams shortcomings. I know Price is out of our league. But Kazmir and Leake sure would look nice replacing Gonzalez and Chen.

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I was referring to the players, not Buck.

There has been a lot of smoke this year. Adam complaining in the offseason. Davis saying how he wanted to see the commitment from the team in the spring. I know it is easy to look for excuses when the team isn't playing well. The starters haven't been good all year and the offense is inconsistent. That being said I don't like how we are finishing.

Oh I know. I brought up Buck. He hasn't looked like the same manager to me this year. I know he doesn't have a lot to work with. But some of his moves make me scratch my head.

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I think the players have mailed it in. I know I have. Just not enough talent to overcome the teams shortcomings. I know Price is out of our league. But Kazmir and Leake sure would look nice replacing Gonzalez and Chen.

Why did they load the bases then? Against Betances? You would not need to. Just swing and go home. No one has mailed anything in.

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This all started with the Blue Jay mess and snowballed from there. Truly believe that. Would be ironic if Duquette gets canned for poor performance after being blocked because he did well.

_________ Toronto.

Toronto was a huge mess. DD was inactive before the Winter Meetings and then when the Toronto situation fizzled out he remained generally inactive. I have no idea why he didn't improve the team when he had the chance.

There's definitely something not right going on behind the scenes and with the secretive nature of the warehouse, we'll never really know the truth.

Here's the kicker: to fix the Orioles for a proper 2016 run he'll need to spend money with unprecedented payroll flexibility (which we know won't happen).

And/or he'd need to make some blockbuster trades (which he can't because all the valuable players are walking at the end of the season).

The Orioles are screwed because of DD.

NOW I get why Red Sox fans hated him so much. I lived in Boston from 1997 - 2002. I was at Cal Ripken's final game at Fenway Park. When DD honored Cal, the Boston fans booed DD mercilessly until he left the field. I'd never seen an executive booed before.

Christ... I get it now.


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Honestly, Buck hasn't seemed like the Buck from pre 2015. I think letting Cruz and Nick walk did give him some resentment towards DD. I'm sure the Toronto thing left some distaste too.

Can you explain any specific things you have observed Buck doing differently this season? Other than, you know, being frustrated that they are losing?

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