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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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5 hours ago, big_sparxx said:

The reality here is that someone has to tell him that if he's not helping, he's hindering. He's put us in a NO-WIN position if he doesn't allow himself to be optioned out, our bought out. There is no way you can tell any other player that what he does is acceptable, in any shape or fashion. The idea that he's allowed to suck is not a precedent ANY manager or GM can set regardless of the contract.

The Players Association can go to hell. They can't defend his output, and neither can he. 

If he can't take the pressure of trying to fix what's obviously broken, and that CAN'T be done at the ML level, then he has no right to take the spot of someone that might hit 100 points better.

I've always been a "CRUSH" fan... but this version... "CRASH" needs to look in the damn mirror.

Well since Buck is out maybe things will change with a new GM and Manager.  


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6 hours ago, big_sparxx said:

The reality here is that someone has to tell him that if he's not helping, he's hindering. He's put us in a NO-WIN position if he doesn't allow himself to be optioned out, our bought out. There is no way you can tell any other player that what he does is acceptable, in any shape or fashion. The idea that he's allowed to suck is not a precedent ANY manager or GM can set regardless of the contract.

The Players Association can go to hell. They can't defend his output, and neither can he. 

If he can't take the pressure of trying to fix what's obviously broken, and that CAN'T be done at the ML level, then he has no right to take the spot of someone that might hit 100 points better.

I've always been a "CRUSH" fan... but this version... "CRASH" needs to look in the damn mirror.

He has all of the cards.  The Orioles put themselves in a no-win position.  He doesn't have to do anything that results in him getting less than the full value of his deal.

If you don't want him to take up a spot, you can release him and pay him the money anyway.  He might care about his performance, he might not, but he doesn't need to, because there's nothing the Orioles can do.

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1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

@Barnaby Graves @big_sparxx anyone who read that SI article knows that the guy cares.  I don't usually feel sorry for pro athletes but I do feel bad for that guy.  He sucks at a historic level, he knows it and he's broken up about it.  He cares.

Yeah, I think you're right.  But enough to walk away from another 8 or 9 figures or whatever's left on the deal?  I'm really doubtful.

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6 minutes ago, Moose Milligan said:

@Barnaby Graves @big_sparxx anyone who read that SI article knows that the guy cares.  I don't usually feel sorry for pro athletes but I do feel bad for that guy.  He sucks at a historic level, he knows it and he's broken up about it.  He cares.

If Davis really does care maybe he will work on his swing for real this winter instead of just lying about it.  

Or see Kobe Bryant’s doctor in Germany.  


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11 hours ago, Moose Milligan said:

@Barnaby Graves @big_sparxx anyone who read that SI article knows that the guy cares.  I don't usually feel sorry for pro athletes but I do feel bad for that guy.  He sucks at a historic level, he knows it and he's broken up about it.  He cares.


11 hours ago, Barnaby Graves said:

Yeah, I think you're right.  But enough to walk away from another 8 or 9 figures or whatever's left on the deal?  I'm really doubtful.

His tone is that of someone defeated, however.  Sure he cares, but it doesn't sound as he if he knows what to do, would have the fortitude to do it, or even desires to try.  To me his tone in the article is almost one of futility.  If I'm reading it correctly, then I would be pursuing negotiations to allow him an exit strategy and to reduce the cost of that contract to the team.  How that would work I don't know, but he didn't sound in the article like someone who would walk away from such a topic or proposal if something were presented to him.

But I reiterate that I don't think he belongs on a club of young players beginning a rebuild process with the mindset he has.  Winning is contagious, but so is defeatism.

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36 minutes ago, drjohnnyfeva said:


His tone is that of someone defeated, however.  Sure he cares, but it doesn't sound as he if he knows what to do, would have the fortitude to do it, or even desires to try.  To me his tone in the article is almost one of futility.  If I'm reading it correctly, then I would be pursuing negotiations to allow him an exit strategy and to reduce the cost of that contract to the team.  How that would work I don't know, but he didn't sound in the article like someone who would walk away from such a topic or proposal if something were presented to him.

But I reiterate that I don't think he belongs on a club of young players beginning a rebuild process with the mindset he has.  Winning is contagious, but so is defeatism.

Agree.  Davis sounds defeated and not someone who is determined to turn it around.

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On 10/5/2018 at 12:17 PM, JR Oriole said:

I agree with you.  Everybody who follows baseball knows he was an investment gone horribly wrong.  So what?  Corporations have huge write-offs all the time.  What is done is done.  Own your mistake and be done with it.  His contract is a sunk cost and if he is basically worse than a AAA player, why not just let the AAA player (who won't cost that much incrementally) play?  We have to pay him regardless.  Shouldn't we be trying to win actual games....since the standings seem to reward teams that collect wins on the field versus those who get the best ROI per player?  Do they have playoffs for that......best roster ROI?

Yeah I don't understand the mentality of we have to keep him as we owe him so much money.  That would only make sense if the league minimum was a high salary.  It is like people in baseball are totally illogical. 

The cost to get rid of Davis and replace him with someone making the league minimum is 535k a year.  So a total of 2.1 million spread over 4 years.  

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20 minutes ago, atomic said:

Yeah I don't understand the mentality of we have to keep him as we owe him so much money.  That would only make sense if the league minimum was a high salary.  It is like people in baseball are totally illogical. 

The cost to get rid of Davis and replace him with someone making the league minimum is 535k a year.  So a total of 2.1 million spread over 4 years.  

I think it's more of that Angelos has to pay Davis, and the Orioles tend to let the contracts run out for most players, coaches and front office employees rather than fire them earlier for poor performance.   

I can't imagine a new manager who isn't a puppet for ownership is going to put up with Davis batting .160 with little power next year.  Something is going to be done if Davis isn't cut.  Either ride the bench or to the disabled list if Davis agrees on being "injured".

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Steve Melewski crushes him. 



I’m just piling on with this at this point, but first baseman Chris Davisstood out to me as a player who should have been more accountable.

At a time when he gets deserved and constant criticism from fans, something that goes with earning the most and producing the least, he would reference his struggles but seldom threw himself under the bus. In fact, he may have never done this.


It doesn’t play well when you say you will bunt more, but then don’t. Or talk about how hard you worked over the winter and then it turns out maybe that talk was not completely truthful. Better to just do a 180 and say, “I’m terrible and killing this team. I need to own that and get better.”

Two sentences. Two we never heard. Two that would have helped him in the PR department with fans who can see with their own eyes when a player is terrible and then they just want him to own it.

Players seldom ask about me about how they should handle interviews, but some have through the years. I always make that point with them. When you mess up, fall on the sword. It takes two minutes and the media is gone. The fans will read those quotes and appreciate it. The next day we all will forget it.


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