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No Lou tonight, Payton in CF.

Big Mac

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Reimold's athleticism isn't going to be enough to overcome the fact that his baseball instincts are bad. Do you really want to see doubles dropping in because he got a bad break or read the ball off the bat wrong? Reimold is in the minor leagues for a reason. You don't go to to the big leagues to learn how to play the game.

There's a difference between going there to take your lumps and get better, and learning how to even play the game. That's why Reimold is back in AA.

I have heard this as well.

I doubt Reimold could handle centerfield.

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But the whole point is that you never know.

Montanez has a better chance to help this team over the next few years than Payton does. It's not hard to figure out.

Even if it's as a 4th outfielder role.

No one's saying he's the next Roberto Clemente or something.

And maybe he's a late bloomer...you never know.

If Payton is out there 5 days a week and Montanez is sitting on the bench - I'm really upset. Now is the time you start to bring up players and give them the opportunity to play fringe vets off the team. Payton's value is probably nothing more than a C- prospect - if that.

With that being said - people are overreacting IMO because he is not in the lineup tonight. I have seen way too many Oriole managers throw a kid into the fire the first night he has been called up (and usually not following a 6 hour plane ride) only to see him fail.

Let him rest tonight and throw him out there tommorrow - if not - I'm right there with everyone else and questiong what Trembley is thinking.

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Have you ever seen Reimold play centerfield? Me neither... think he could handle it?

I'd rather see group A just to see some fresh faces if for no other reason... but while they would be more fun to watch offensively, I would expect pretty abysmal defense.

Tony has mentioned in the past that scouts think Reimold could handle CF.

And even if they decide he isn't quite good enough...slide Nick over to CF and Reimold to right.

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Guest Sailor Jerry

Reimold has the physical ability to play. But Keith Reed did too. There's a reason he didn't.

And why mess with Markakis? The guy is playing a great RF. Just leave him the hell alone. Do you even think about what you say sometimes?

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Reimold has the physical ability to play. But Keith Reed did too. There's a reason he didn't.

And why mess with Markakis? The guy is playing a great RF. Just leave him the hell alone. Do you even think about what you say sometimes?

Reimold needs to be up here playing everyday.

The team needs to look towards the future.

So, you do what it takes to get the guys in there.

And until I see Reimold fail out there and look terrible, i have no issue with giving him some time and seeing if he can handle it for the last few weeks of the season.

We aren't talking the whole year here.

We have some GB pitchers on this staff, so that helps as well.

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Guest Sailor Jerry

We're talking about a guy who doesn't know how to play the game. That's what the minor leagues are for. He needs to be playing somewhere so he knows what he's supposed to do when he gets to the big leagues. Right now he wouldn't know what to do every time. You look to the future by developing your minor leaguers. Not bringing up your minor leaguers before they know what they're doing.

Why don't you do some homework and go watch Reimold at AA and see what he can and can't do, you know, like the Orioles have been doing since they drafted him?

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Why shouldn't Montanez get Payton's AB's?

That's been my point this entire thread, that Payton should not be getting AB's over Montanez.

In truth the OP was upset that Montanez was not in the lineup. Frankly if Montanez can play a good CF he should get the PT. If he can not play CF he should not. We will find out soon.

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Tony has mentioned in the past that scouts think Reimold could handle CF.

And even if they decide he isn't quite good enough...slide Nick over to CF and Reimold to right.

I have heard numerous times that Reimold is lacking in the baseball instincts department.

If he was in my outfield, I would prefer it be in right field.

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We're talking about a guy who doesn't know how to play the game. That's what the minor leagues are for. He needs to be playing somewhere so he knows what he's supposed to do when he gets to the big leagues. Right now he wouldn't know what to do every time. You look to the future by developing your minor leaguers. Not bringing up your minor leaguers before they know what they're doing.

Why don't you do some homework and go watch Reimold at AA and see what he can and can't do, you know, like the Orioles have been doing since they drafted him?

I am going to go by what some scouts and Tony has said...No offense but you have no credibility to me since I don't know anything about your knowledge.

And again, sliding Nick over to CF would be fine too.

The idea here is to get the young guys in the lineup. Besides, with days off and things like that, Reimold probably sees 3 or 4 games a week in CF, tops, per week...The rest of the time, he sees some time in LF and DH...maybe even throw in some first base and see if he can handle that in case you don't get Tex.

Lots of options and in a lost season, you find out what you have.

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Have you ever seen Reimold play centerfield? Me neither... think he could handle it?

I'd rather see group A just to see some fresh faces if for no other reason... but while they would be more fun to watch offensively, I would expect pretty abysmal defense.

But that's not the point. Isn't this supposed to be the year we "let the kids play?" I'd prefer to experience the growing pains now rather than the beginning of next season.

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Reimold needs to be up here playing everyday.

The team needs to look towards the future.

So, you do what it takes to get the guys in there.

And until I see Reimold fail out there and look terrible, i have no issue with giving him some time and seeing if he can handle it for the last few weeks of the season.

We aren't talking the whole year here.

We have some GB pitchers on this staff, so that helps as well.

I don't disagree with this, necessarily.

Maybe we will see him when the rosters expand? :noidea:

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I have heard numerous times that Reimold is lacking in the baseball instincts department.

If he was in my outfield, I would prefer it be in right field.

And that's fine...If he proves to be a failure in CF, then you move him to other places.

But I will tell you this...I would rather see him fail out there defensively than watch Payton succeed.

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But that's not the point. Isn't this supposed to be the year we "let the kids play?" I'd prefer to experience the growing pains now rather than the beginning of next season.

That's not the point?

Come on, bud.

Have you been paying attention to everything Trembley & MacPhail have said since spring training? How many times have you heard the word "fundamentals" this season? That is absolutely the point.

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Guest Sailor Jerry
I am going to go by what some scouts and Tony has said...No offense but you have no credibility to me since I don't know anything about your knowledge.

And again, sliding Nick over to CF would be fine too.

The idea here is to get the young guys in the lineup. Besides, with days off and things like that, Reimold probably sees 3 or 4 games a week in CF, tops, per week...The rest of the time, he sees some time in LF and DH...maybe even throw in some first base and see if he can handle that in case you don't get Tex.

Lots of options and in a lost season, you find out what you have.

Yes, the scouts have raved about his physical ability and raw tools. That's all they ever rave about. That's what they said about Keith Reed too. But Tony has also said plenty of times that Reimold doesn't show nearly enough of the instincts and baseball knowledge that he needs. All along it's been about how he just needs to play. He just needs more experience so he can learn that. Well he's getting that at AA, which is where he's supposed to.

I'm all for playing young kids. But they've got to know what they're doing. Reimold just isn't there yet.

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In truth the OP was upset that Montanez was not in the lineup. Frankly if Montanez can play a good CF he should get the PT. If he can not play CF he should not. We will find out soon.

I was the OP. At the time I started the thread, I was under the impression Montanez has left Baltimore yesterday.

When I was informed he hadn't left until this morning, I said that I was fine with Lou not playing tonight, but I didn't want this to become a trend.

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