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BJ Surhoff Is Angry


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13 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

"But consider this: removing first-round draft picks, who are often the most talented players in the country and not often requiring much development, the Orioles have signed and developed two amateur players selected after the first two rounds this decade who have, according to FanGraphs WAR (wins above replacement), produced a two-win season in an Orioles uniform. Those are John Means and Trey Mancini this year. (Wei-Yin Chen was signed out of Japan ahead of his age-26 season)."


I mean the Orioles drafting and especially player development have pretty much sucked forever, but this paragraph does several backflips of logic to cast aspersions. First, "removing first-round draft picks" and then "selected after the first two rounds" sounds like the author had to make a last minute edit because there was more WAR in the second round than he thought and removed the second round picks as an afterthought. Second, how can you blame the Orioles drafting and player development because DD traded away Zach Davies, Josh Hader, etc.? The Orioles organization of course deserves a lot of grief and most of have given them grief for years and years, but this is a pretty lazy article IMO. 

Guess how many players the Astros have developed with the same criteria? ZERO!!

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45 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

"But consider this: removing first-round draft picks, who are often the most talented players in the country and not often requiring much development, the Orioles have signed and developed two amateur players selected after the first two rounds this decade who have, according to FanGraphs WAR (wins above replacement), produced a two-win season in an Orioles uniform. Those are John Means and Trey Mancini this year. (Wei-Yin Chen was signed out of Japan ahead of his age-26 season)."


I mean the Orioles drafting and especially player development have pretty much sucked forever, but this paragraph does several backflips of logic to cast aspersions. First, "removing first-round draft picks" and then "selected after the first two rounds" sounds like the author had to make a last minute edit because there was more WAR in the second round than he thought and removed the second round picks as an afterthought. Second, how can you blame the Orioles drafting and player development because DD traded away Zach Davies, Josh Hader, etc.? The Orioles organization of course deserves a lot of grief and most of have given them grief for years and years, but this is a pretty lazy article IMO. 

They could have used consistent standards instead of moving the goal posts in that one paragraph.  They could have told us what the average MLB team and the over-achieving and under-achieving MLB teams have done for comparison sakes.  They could have compared O's development of non-drafted talent to the rest of MLB.

But all of that would have obscured the point they formed prior to the research - that the Orioles suck and we need some data to back that up.

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16 hours ago, survivedc said:

I of course don’t think someone deserves to be kept around simply because they played here at some point. 

You have no clue what BJ did, we have no clue what attempts he made to change and we have no clue if Mike approached him about changing. Maybe we will moving forward. To act like you do is disingenuous.

I don’t as as if I do, and I never implied that I did.

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1 hour ago, weams said:

People should never pay a dime for that. 

Honestly, this is what the majority of 105.7 is to me. I can live with Scott and Jeremy, but everyone else is unbearable. And they add insult to injury, but having non sports guys like Ed Norris, give their unqualified opinions on the local teams. I'd rather stick hot pokers in my ears then listen to a minute of Ed Norris, Jerry Coleman, Mike Preston, etc. 

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On 9/21/2019 at 1:03 PM, Going Underground said:

Really? How you come across on TV and how you treat people in a normal day at the job might be completely different. 

Surhoff would not have received a phone call at all from Duquette. He received one here. Elias has met with Davis, met with agents, gone to the Dominican himself, talks to the players and the coaches. Sorry, but even based on what little evidence we have as fans, it's a world of difference. 

Just look up and down the minor leagues. There's a unified effort there now between the teams.

Believe what you want, though.

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4 hours ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

The Athletic could also start podcasts and monetize that through ads as well. Maybe there are some good sports related podcasts out there, but I'm not aware of them. It's a market niche that The Athletic could jump in and become a dominant player.

There are ton of podcasts on the Athletic, available every day.

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Not sure why anybody is surprised that BJ is a bit angry at the situation.

Easy to see why, nobody likes to be let go, especially, when its for a non performance issue.

That said, that's also the nature of this business, these guys are year to year, and when there is a change in the regime, then they bring in all their people.

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5 hours ago, wildbillhiccup said:

Honestly, this is what the majority of 105.7 is to me. I can live with Scott and Jeremy, but everyone else is unbearable. And they add insult to injury, but having non sports guys like Ed Norris, give their unqualified opinions on the local teams. I'd rather stick hot pokers in my ears then listen to a minute of Ed Norris, Jerry Coleman, Mike Preston, etc. 

Ed Norris just seems like a terrible human being to me.  I don’t understand why he is on that show.  Also if he just stuck to sports it would be bad enough but he has to add his misinformed opinions on other subjects as well.  

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11 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Maybe this is all a case of sour grapes, and Surhoff is overstating things -- the Orioles have retained a number of Dan Duquette era staffers elsewhere in the organization, as Connelly notes in the piece. But it's something to monitor heading forward, as the Orioles continue their turnover.

You've been warned Mike Elias - by none other that RJ Anderson himself!  He will be monitoring you going forward, so no more treating anachronisms like they don't matter.  Knock it off...

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On 9/23/2019 at 2:29 PM, interloper said:

Surhoff would not have received a phone call at all from Duquette. He received one here. Elias has met with Davis, met with agents, gone to the Dominican himself, talks to the players and the coaches. Sorry, but even based on what little evidence we have as fans, it's a world of difference. 

Just look up and down the minor leagues. There's a unified effort there now between the teams.

Believe what you want, though.

I agree Surhoff should have been let go with a new regime.Just saying Orioles  gave Duquette no freedom.No money for international players.Basically had Brady keep an eye on him ,especially after the Blue Jay mess.I was just talking about Duquette making a phone call to Surhoff.I think we agree more then disagree. 

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25 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

It hardly qualifies to be even that. Ironic that a piece about "ruffling feathers" is pure fluff, a Retweet stretched out to meet a word count. It doesn't even manage to be respectful toward Surhoff when it uses the phrase ("sour grapes") that BJ explicitly denied. Typical CBS Sports baseball drivel.

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54 minutes ago, 24fps said:

You've been warned Mike Elias - by none other that RJ Anderson himself!  He will be monitoring you going forward, so no more treating anachronisms like they don't matter.  Knock it off...

I love that we hired Elias and he hired Sig. I love that they're taking our organization in an entirely new direction. I love that they have the autonomy to bring their people in.

I understand that means getting rid of the old guard, and I understand some might not think it's fair.

I think Elias has been an excellent communicator, but that doesn't mean he is inside the building. I'm chalking this all up to an understandable anger by those who are not in the know or in Elias' plans. Still, I hope it's just that and not a sign of a more fundamental issue. At this point, I'm assuming it's not, but I'll remember these articles for a while just in case.

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1 hour ago, LookinUp said:

I love that we hired Elias and he hired Sig. I love that they're taking our organization in an entirely new direction. I love that they have the autonomy to bring their people in.

I understand that means getting rid of the old guard, and I understand some might not think it's fair.

I think Elias has been an excellent communicator, but that doesn't mean he is inside the building. I'm chalking this all up to an understandable anger by those who are not in the know or in Elias' plans. Still, I hope it's just that and not a sign of a more fundamental issue. At this point, I'm assuming it's not, but I'll remember these articles for a while just in case.

It's a completely understandable (and familiar) lament from someone who's been left behind by progress.  Unfortunately it's not a very good look on BJ, so I think he would have been far better served by keeping his mouth shut and asking a friend to explain it to him.

If it's a sign of anything, IMO it's a sign that long-standing fundamental issues are finally being addressed in a way with a fighting chance of success.

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