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Orioles getting excess vaccines


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4 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

I would encourage anyone following links in this thread to investigate the sources to see if perhaps they were linked to conspiracies and pseudoscience. 

I just hope enough of us get vaccinated in the coming months to allow us to get back to things like seeing baseball in person.

Likewise, I would encourage anyone following vax advice to investigate the sources to see if perhaps there is conflict of interest with the pharma agenda and its brand of pseudoscience. Meanwhile it's hard to do fair and balanced research and discussion in a climate of rigorous censorship and demonization. 

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9 minutes ago, now said:

The health reward is infinitesimally small when 99.999% are already going to survive the virus naturally.
As for the social/professional rewards, they are considerable--that's what's being offered as a tradeoff for the risks.

Just chiming in to suggest you ask Eduardo Rodriguez how he enjoyed his bout with Corona.  Just because the survival rate may be high doesn't mean lasting damage can't occur.

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5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Just chiming in to suggest you ask Eduardo Rodriguez how he enjoyed his bout with Corona.  Just because the survival rate may be high doesn't mean lasting damage can't occur.

Fair enough. It makes sense to look beyond the individual cases (e.g., Aaron vs. ERod) to crunch as large a sample size as possible on both sides of the tradeoff.

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4 minutes ago, now said:

Fair enough. It makes sense to look beyond the individual cases (e.g., Aaron vs. ERod) to crunch as large a sample size as possible on both sides of the tradeoff.

All kinds of trade offs, some of which aren’t life threatening but would make life a lot less enjoyable.   My son (25) has a roommate who got Covid and still can’t taste or smell anything a year later.    Not gonna kill him, but I sure wouldn’t want to go through life that way.    

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1 hour ago, Beef Supreme said:

Most of us are informed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Sure. But RFK Jr. has documented extensive conflicts of interest there with Big Pharma. 

Former Reagan official Paul Craig Roberts reports: “’The CDC is actually a vaccine company.’  — Robert F. Kennedy Jr…. The CDC has a large financial interest in pushing untested vaccines on the public. WHO is even more under the control of Big Pharma.  The organization is corrupt beyond the meaning of the word.  ‘The WHO is a sock puppet for the pharmaceutical industry.’ — Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” [more in depth in video interview there].

But if you still want to follow CDC advice, are you aware…

February 19: CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reports 929 deaths + 15,923 adverse reactions reported following COVID Vaccine: 799 deaths in the US, and a third of those occurring within 48 hours of the shot (... though without direct cause proven).

March 5: CDC study concludes that mask mandates were associated with [only] an average 1.32% decrease in the growth rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths during the first 100 days after the mask policy was implemented. [Does not include documentation of offsetting health risks and other harms of masks].

Going back further, the CDC found among all COVID deaths only 6% where it was the only cause of death.

As for the supposed rationale for all of these measures--asymptomatic spread--even Fauci and the WHO have stated it’s rare, and one study (of 10 million people in Wuhan) found no evidence for it at all.

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There was an article in the Washington Post yesterday talking about giving people vaccination passports.  I know some people will object to that but I have no problem issuing me one if it gets me into concerts sporting events without having to wear a mask.  This vaccine is the ONLY way we are going to get our lives back to normal.   The FDA is anything but overly cautious.  I have read the studies and the safety protocols.  I wouldn't have made sure my 83 year old mother got the vaccine if I didn't believe that.  Like many people have said here you may survive getting it but you don't want to carry it to someone who doesn't survive it.  The majority of people who have been vaccinated so far are over 65 and you are going to have people pass away in that age range.  It doesn't mean it was from the vaccine.  I also agree that many people of the 550,000 plus who have died of Covid may have died also from some of their underlining health conditions.  However by any measurement if it wasn't for this virus there wouldn't be that many deaths.  Much less the suffering that many people that I know who have been infected.  If you don't want to get vaccinated then don't.  It is your choice.  

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3 minutes ago, accinfo said:

Yes it isn't the same thing and not even close.  

When the government controls where you go or can track you then yes it is the same thing. Yes, I’ve been vaccinated and no I will not show my card to prove it or say I can go anywhere. 

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1 hour ago, waroriole said:

Yeah but clearly the CDC doesn’t know as much as some guy who watched a YouTube video and visited some websites. 

You miss the point. It's not about me researching; it's about information that's out there from legitimate study including by the CDC itself.

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3 hours ago, accinfo said:

I also agree that many people of the 550,000 plus who have died of Covid may have died also from some of their underlining health conditions. 

FWIW, I did my own research into this because I tend to be skeptical of things as well. The CDC has been publishing death data in America for years. At the end of 2020, the number of deaths in America above what an average year would be was pretty much exactly the reported figure for COVID deaths. That suggests that the reported COVID death count is quite accurate in measuring COVID deaths.

Our poor understanding of health and nutrition is our underlying condition as a country. I suppose that narrative doesn't sell though.

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