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Apologies and thanks


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Thanks for taking care of this Tony.  I’ve been on the board 18 years and those posts were by far the most offensive I’ve ever seen.   I didn’t give you the specifics when I texted you because I didn’t want your head to explode!

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I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I’m glad I missed it. For what it’s worth I disagree with some people vociferously, But I don’t think anybody on either side of the disagreement has ever skirted too close to the edge.

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7 hours ago, SteveA said:

You have nothing to apologize for Tony.  Those types of idiots pop up once in a while.  

They certainly do. And with the potential anonymity of the interwebs, this idiot might re-pop up under a different username and personal info. 

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My... er, "favorite"... was him telling another user to (paraphrasing here) "pull a Mike Flanagan, the world would be better off without you."

As someone who has had not 1 but 2 good friends unfortunately choose to go that route over the years, and witnessed firsthand what that does to the people left behind, he's extremely lucky that he was not in the same room as me because I would still be picking fragments of his teeth out of the skin on my knuckles.

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