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Amazing Video on pitchers cheating in MLB


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I wonder how much of the increase in spin rate is due to the current focus on spin rate driven by the ability to collect and analyze the data versus sticky stuff. Teams are able to document and analyze things like spin rate at all levels of their organization and pitchers and coaches are focused on spin rate more than ever. How much can a pitcher increase spin rate without using sticky substances? It's not clear at this point. 

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2 minutes ago, SteveA said:

I'm picturing Sig Mejdal in a Breaking Bad meth-lab style Winnebago with bubbling beakers and chemicals working on developing the perfect substance.   We don't have a desert around here so maybe he's parked it in some remote corner of Patapsco State Park, or maybe an abandoned lot by Sparrow's Point somewhere.

Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

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6 minutes ago, SteveA said:

I'm picturing Sig Mejdal in a Breaking Bad meth-lab style Winnebago with bubbling beakers and chemicals working on developing the perfect substance.   We don't have a desert around here so maybe he's parked it in some remote corner of Patapsco State Park, or maybe an abandoned lot by Sparrow's Point somewhere.


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17 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

I watched this video and was pretty amazed at how often pitchers are clearly cheating in the MLB.

Watch this. What are your thoughts?


Wow, this is eye opening. Thank you for posting. Elias (formerly of the Houston Astros as we all know and their history of getting the advantage by any means necessary) sure does talk a lot about spin rate....

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7 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:


Excellent point on Gaylord Perry. It is so beyond disgusting that Bonds and Clemens aren't in the Hall. Pete Rose threatened the game itself, I don't disagree with his ban, that is different for me. But Bonds and Clemens, while both annoying, belong in the hall. At least their won't alleged murderers or in the Klan like many in the early years. Sorry I digress, just frustrating how baseball judges arbitrarily. 


Edit: and of course Joe Jackson should be the first player put in, the worst injustice in baseball is Shoeless Joe

Edited by NelsonCruuuuuz
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What would really be unnerving if this has already spread to the minor leagues - particularly if there are pushers selling the stuff to minor league coaches - who then give it to the players and teach them how to use it.  Maybe I'm naive to think it hasn't already gotten to that point.  It'd be very deflating if we hear that any of our top performing prospects are found to be cheating.    

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5 minutes ago, Ruzious said:

What would really be unnerving if this has already spread to the minor leagues - particularly if there are pushers selling the stuff to minor league coaches - who then give it to the players and teach them how to use it.  Maybe I'm naive to think it hasn't already gotten to that point.  It'd be very deflating if we hear that any of our top performing prospects are found to be cheating.    


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17 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

So you didn't dislike the pitchers cheating?  Just the hitters hitting home runs?  So you were OK with Dee Gordon using steroids since he didn't hit home runs?

I didnt have a problem with Dee Gordon using steroids, not because he didnt hit home runs but because if he wasnt an athlete he could probably get a prescription for them because of his build.  He would be 150 pounds without them.

My thoughts on this is what I have been saying for the last few years: Cheating has always been a part of baseball and always will be.  I dont care at all if players cheat, but they should do it in a less obvious manner then they are doing now.  If you get caught, you get thrown out, fined, and/or suspended.  Cheat all you want, but know the consequences if you are caught.  MLB is not doing that, they have clearly looked the other way.  I dont think there should be some guy in NY watching and analyzing games and calling out things he sees from there, it should be the umpires on the field.  This has gotten out of hand because the other teams managers cant say anything because their guys are doing it too.  I am sure George Brett yells at the tv every time he sees pine tar too high up the bat, but they arent enforcing that either.  I was watching a game the other day and after fouling off a few balls, one of the Os went over and sprayed something on the barrel.  Next pitch was a hit.  I forget who that was, I would imagine it was stick em and not an air can to knock the dust off.  

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You know what’s interesting as well is the main argument that “batters like when pitchers use this stuff because it increases their control” 

well, that argument is thrown out by the data showing batters are being hit more now than ever including several players in the face and head. When pitchers are reliant on a system of using sticky substances, they must also compensate where they are releasing a pitch. A normal increased spin rate will direct the ball away from where they are throwing and to the intended target. When they mess up or slip, the spin rate is not applied and the ball goes toward the unintended target, mainly, a batter’s face and head. 

We have already seen Pillar pour blood from his nose and face on the diamond as a result. That was a gruesome play. I’m afraid it will likely get worse moving forward. Someone will get knocked out or worse. MLB and mainly the commissioner is derelict in their duties here to protect players from potential harm.


or hell, just let batters use corked bats and call it a day. Just let every player and team cheat like crazy to get as much of an edge. Let players use massive amounts of steroids. Let teams develop new ways to mutate ball players to peak performance. Screw it man.

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1 hour ago, Ruzious said:

What would really be unnerving if this has already spread to the minor leagues - particularly if there are pushers selling the stuff to minor league coaches - who then give it to the players and teach them how to use it.  Maybe I'm naive to think it hasn't already gotten to that point.  It'd be very deflating if we hear that any of our top performing prospects are found to be cheating.    

I think you probably are quite naive on this, and that spin rates are well-known performance indicators even well down into youth baseball too. Some of the top youth teams around are alleged to be shaving bats. Why not have a little stickum in the glove too? I bet they are doing that stuff. I'd bet money on it.

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1 hour ago, Ruzious said:

What would really be unnerving if this has already spread to the minor leagues - particularly if there are pushers selling the stuff to minor league coaches - who then give it to the players and teach them how to use it.  Maybe I'm naive to think it hasn't already gotten to that point.  It'd be very deflating if we hear that any of our top performing prospects are found to be cheating.    

There's a 100000000% chance this has spread to the minors.  Five years ago.  It would be unbelievable if high schoolers weren't doing it.

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