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Could the O's lose the #1 pick in the 2022 draft?


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46 minutes ago, wildcard said:

So what you want to happen MLB might do.  But what you don't want to happen MLB won't do.

I don't trust Manfred.  If he can stick it to the O's he will.

Sigh..It has nothing to do with what I want.

The draft process, whether you like it or not, is what it currently is and the teams played within the rules of that draft year.  The Orioles and others tanked or whatever to get a higher pick and that is something that wasn’t discouraged.  I don’t think you can now retroactively go back and change that.

Having the DH for next season doesn’t retroactively change anything that occurred the season before.  There as no rules or structure you were playing within that impacts you having a DH the next season.

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

Sigh..It has nothing to do with what I want.

The draft process, whether you like it or not, is what it currently is and the teams played within the rules of that draft year.  The Orioles and others tanked or whatever to get a higher pick and that is something that wasn’t discouraged.  I don’t think you can now retroactively go back and change that.

Having the DH for next season doesn’t retroactively change anything that occurred the season before.  There as no rules or structure you were playing within that impacts you having a DH the next season.

I see your logic but....   The person who controls those decisions is the Commissioner in negotiation with the Union.   So its all negotiable.

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5 minutes ago, wildcard said:

I see your logic but....   The person who controls those decisions is the Commissioner in negotiation with the Union.   So its all negotiable.

Sure, anything can happen.  But why would they even negotiate this?  What difference does it make?

Its not like it’s a situation where you say, well if you give me this, we will give you  the lottery in 2022.  It’s not an advantage for anyone.  It’s not one of the sides gaining anything.

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1 hour ago, wildcard said:


MLB recently put forward a new suggestion: a lottery for the top three amateur draft choices. Rather than setting the draft order as the inverse of the league standings — as is the current setup — this proposal would introduce a weighted system that injects more randomness into the process. Teams with the worst records would still have a greater chance of securing higher picks, but any non-playoff team would have a chance at a top three selection.

That offer is in response to players’ concerns that the current system rewards teams that orchestrate long-term rebuilds with perennially high draft choices. Of course, it’s not entirely clear that a weighted lottery would serve as much of a disincentive for tanking, since teams would still have higher probabilities of top picks with worse records.


Another incredibly stupid suggestion. A lottery doesn’t help the NBA. But apparently that doesn’t stop the MLB from thinking, “oh what a wonderful idea.”

There is no perfect solution, but this is possibly the most imperfect solution.

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The best way to deal with this issue is to have a reverse draft order between the six worst teams. That would usually, but not always be the seller dweller of the respective division. So the team with the best record among the six worst teams gets the first pick.

This has several beneficial goals:

1) it incentivizes winning, so teams no longer have a reason to tank

2) It increases the value of cheap and almost washed up free agents, because teams need to try and get that extra win or two

3) It creates enthusiasm among the fan bases, because they are rooting for their team to win rather than lose, and there’s a source of pride in being the best of the worst, even if you’re one of the worst. It eliminates that schadenfreude of “hey we’re a laughingstock! But we got the first pick!”

4) It makes it harder on the teams who are looking forward to pummeling a given team 19 times a season, and would help balance out the unbalanced strengths between the divisions.

5) Because those bottoms six teams would now be trying to win instead of lose, it would make more watchable baseball all around.

Finally, the seventh and eighth worst teams are probably good enough that there would be no benefit to them to tank so as to get into that group of six, so the benefit of the tanking process would be minimized overall.

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