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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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You know, not to pick on you or anyone else, but why does it take Tex for fans to go to the games? I am at every home friday night game because those are the only ones I can personally afford to go to(student night). I grew up watching the Orioles play in the 90s and the yard was always packed and always loud. Now, when I cheer during the games I get weird looks and an usher telling me to quiet down. Baltimore, support your team.

Look, I watch every game on TV and when I go to the games, I cheer. I only go if I can get good seats or get free tickets. Otherwise, I'll just watch it on TV for free.

If we sign Tex it just sends a message that we are for real. It would just be a shot in the arm that we're serious about contending year in and year out. It would make us relevant. It would make me excited enough to buy season tickets.

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2:34pm: A reader who heard the show says Patrick was only speaking in the hypothetical with the $200MM figure, so Bloom's post was apparently inaccurate. This is why I typically avoid radio reports unless I hear them myself...sorry about that. In listening to the Reggie Miller interview on Patrick's site he was definitely only giving an opinion during that portion.

2:16pm: Take it with a grain of salt, but we have a report of a report that the Red Sox offered Mark Teixeira an eight-year, $200MM deal. Earl Bloom of the Orange County Register heard Dan Patrick say it on his radio show. It'd be best to treat the report with skepticism until it's confirmed by another source.


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What always amuses me is the exjock arrested adolescent attitude of many in the media, that totally dismisses the idea of family in the the Tex equation. He has 2 small children aged 1 and 2 I believe. And his parents have recently recovered from serious illness. It's very important for small children to be able to spend quality time with their grandparents as well as important for the grandparents too. There a big difference between riding Amtrak to Boston a couple of times a month and popping over two three times a week to visit, baby sit, go to the zoo etc. It's important for the children to be able to set down roots in one place for the next say 10 years or so, think Melvin Mora and his NTC. Now if you asked most people what's most important to you, your kids and your patents or winning a ring, how many would honestly answer a ring? If the O's offer the most money, would he turn all that down for a ring sooner than later?

But celebrities and superstar athletes don't value this in the way that you or I do. They have tons of money, are away from their family all the time regardless of where their home base is - they are used to traveling and know how to make it work. I think this is way overrated.

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What always amuses me is the exjock arrested adolescent attitude of many in the media, that totally dismisses the idea of family in the the Tex equation. He has 2 small children aged 1 and 2 I believe. And his parents have recently recovered from serious illness. It's very important for small children to be able to spend quality time with their grandparents as well as important for the grandparents too. There a big difference between riding Amtrak to Boston a couple of times a month and popping over two three times a week to visit, baby sit, go to the zoo etc. It's important for the children to be able to set down roots in one place for the next say 10 years or so, think Melvin Mora and his NTC. Now if you asked most people what's most important to you, your kids and your patents or winning a ring, how many would honestly answer a ring? If the O's offer the most money, would he turn all that down for a ring sooner than later?

Hell, with all his money he can afford to buy his parents a summer home.

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But celebrities and superstar athletes don't value this in the way that you or I do. They have tons of money, are away from their family all the time regardless of where their home base is - they are used to traveling and know how to make it work. I think this is way overrated.

You know this how? I've worked with a number of celebrity actors and surprisingly most of them are human, and put their pants on one leg at a time.

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Look, I watch every game on TV and when I go to the games, I cheer. I only go if I can get good seats or get free tickets. Otherwise, I'll just watch it on TV for free.

If we sign Tex it just sends a message that we are for real. It would just be a shot in the arm that we're serious about contending year in and year out. It would make us relevant. It would make me excited enough to buy season tickets.

I completely understand what you are saying, I wasn't picking on you. I just know there are Oriole fans out there who write off the Orioles until they start to win. I know 11 seasons of losing makes it hard to get excited about another losing season but Opening Day is like christmas morning for me. Tex or no Tex this team is on its way to contention. Andy McPhail is going to turn this team into a contender within the next couple of years. It will take time but I have complete confidence in his abilities. Lets start to build an atmosphere at that stadium, maybe that can attract a few FAs...

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No offense anybody but i would not want the O's to go that high. I just don't think Tex is a $200m player.

Well he's a 200 million dollar player for 10 years as opposed to 8, although I'd give him 8/200 if it would land him.

Anything north of 10/230 is too much IMO, so yes I do have a limit... ;)

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You know this how? I worked with a number of celebrity actors and surprisingly most of them are human, and put their pants on one leg at a time.

Wha? I didn't say they weren't human. When you are someone who travels for a living, traveling to see your family isn't as big of a thing. Tex plays 80 games a year on the road, is away for spring training, and probably spends the whole off-season traveling for various business-related activities. If this meant that much, you'd see a whole heck of a lot more players taking hometown discounts. As such, that's why it's so rare to see "hometown heroes" like Cal.

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