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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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Jeez, someone needs to break out the anti-depressants...

I've been as optimistic as anyone (OK, except maybe JTrea) that we're going to sign Tex, but if we don't sign him its not the end of the world. We'll still have MacPhail in our corner and the money we would've spent on Tex in our pocket. At least we'll know that we're willing to spend the money if we believe it will make a difference. One thing we know for sure, if we lose out in this race, we did the best we could. Theres no denying that. Theres no way we haven't upped our offer.

Even so, it ain't over yet. He hasn't signed with anyone. We met with him over the weekend and nothing happened, and the same could happen tonight. By all indications they will come back to us before making anything official, so we still have a chance.

I'm glad I was away all yesterday. It gave me a chance to get away from all this. Whatever happens, we have a bright future IMO.

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I'm hopeful that the Sox get this done tonight or tomorrow morning. But understand this; the Sox FO has decided they can't wait any longer to know if they are getting Teixeira and are either going to close the deal in the next day or so or they are moving on.

This is precisely how they operate. There is generally a leak through one of the Boston TV channels right about the time the deal is being hammered out. I strongly believe Theo and company feel they will get this done if they've let the word out.

That doesn't mean that Boras and Tex are going to cooperate. What I think it does mean is that, by this time tomorrow, Teixeira will either be a member of the Red Sox or you will all be back on the upward path on the roller coaster...and I will be departing the ride.

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Markakis has the 'regional bias' now that he's married and has a place in or around Baltimore. Yeah, it's not working with Tex, but let's try it with Markakis. Carl Crawford extended with the Devil Rays when they were garbage, remember? Markakis has great players around him now. Roberts. Huff won the Silver Slugger. Tex would help to get Markakis extended, but there are other players and other ways to make Markakis stay. Build a talented team with no MVP candidate minus Markakis himself and Huff. Get a real SS for the future. Get a real first baseman that won't cost $200m. We have a future 'great player' with Matty Wieters. Let's give Mac some more time before we say bye bye to Nick.
Sorry, but Nick's statements this offseason and his decision to "table discussions" until further notice tell me that he's not going to be pulling a Carl Crawford anytime soon.

And this isn't basketball. Unfortunately baseball teams require more than 3-4 above average players to be good. In the AL East in fact, it takes about 9-10 Very Good/great players. Markakis, Wieters and Roberts aren't going to take this team where it needs to go by themselves.

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Matusz isn't a hometown kid that would become the face of the franchise and put butts in seats, either is Smoak.

Orioles fans are great, even after 6-7 losing seasons in a row, we still had 35,000 per game. Winning will put attendance back up, that simple. You see how many fans are on here.

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If they stand pat on their initial offer they will lose the city of Baltimore for good. OPACY will be a ghost town, Markakis won't extend, Roberts will be traded, and the Orioles may be playing in another city within the decade. Nobody in their right mind wants to see this current team compete against the AL East. If they don't increase their offer THEY WILL LOSE THIS TEAM.

I'm also frustrated that it looks like we are losers yet again when competing with the Red Sox. However, I remind myself that we traded away 2 of our best players last year to "rebuild". Here we are, clamoring for Tex or Dunn or Sheets etc... 10 months after Bedard was traded. I understand Tex was a special case, but in the long run, how much sense does it make to aggressively bring in expensive free agents while dumping high priced talent in the same year? Rebuilding is painful and takes time. While not signing Tex would be a setback for '09, it really doesn't impact our chances of building a winner from within. If our young pitchers are successful here, we will turn it around. If they don't, we will still stink with or without Tex.

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I'm hopeful that the Sox get this done tonight or tomorrow morning. But understand this; the Sox FO has decided they can't wait any longer to know if they are getting Teixeira and are either going to close the deal in the next day or so or they are moving on.

This is precisely how they operate. There is generally a leak through one of the Boston TV channels right about the time the deal is being hammered out. I strongly believe Theo and company feel they will get this done if they've let the word out.

That doesn't mean that Boras and Tex are going to cooperate. What I think it does mean is that, by this time tomorrow, Teixeira will either be a member of the Red Sox or you will all be back on the upward path on the roller coaster...and I will be departing the ride.

Don't they usually have the player come to them, though?

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Sorry, but Nick's statements this offseason and his decision to "table discussions" until further notice tell me that he's not going to be pulling a Carl Crawford anytime soon.

And this isn't basketball. Unfortunately baseball teams require more than 3-4 above average players to be good. In the AL East in fact, it takes about 9-10 Very Good/great players. Markakis, Wieters and Roberts aren't going to take this team where it needs to go by themselves.

First we need some pitching. ;)

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This will get even worse before we have a final answer! The Red Sox will meet with Boras tonight. Their brass will come away from the meeting feeling very good about their offer. Don't be surprised to see one of those ridiculous quotes like "cautiously confident" as a summation of their meeting. Boras WILL take their offer to the other teams, Baltimore likely will be the LAST team they contact. ESPN and FOX and practically everybody will be all but fitting him for a uniform. This board will go into full meltdown and we still will not have a final answer.

IF......big IF. IF we land Teixeira, it will be after all these things take place. We have shown our stance. We want the last bid, and we have room to move. I like our chances very much. Mackus said it right......there will be plenty of time to melt down AFTER this concludes. But that may not even be necessary. Let it happen first.

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I'm hopeful that the Sox get this done tonight or tomorrow morning. But understand this; the Sox FO has decided they can't wait any longer to know if they are getting Teixeira and are either going to close the deal in the next day or so or they are moving on.

This is precisely how they operate. There is generally a leak through one of the Boston TV channels right about the time the deal is being hammered out. I strongly believe Theo and company feel they will get this done if they've let the word out.

That doesn't mean that Boras and Tex are going to cooperate. What I think it does mean is that, by this time tomorrow, Teixeira will either be a member of the Red Sox or you will all be back on the upward path on the roller coaster...and I will be departing the ride.

Thanks for the insights. +rep.
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Can you really see them leaving without a deal? I can't...

I agree. I we are honest with ourselves the Orioles have been down this road before, and with the exception of Tejeda have not closed the deal in a long time. When the Yankees or Red Sox go recruiting they do so with the idea of finishing the deal. CC did not want to go to New York, Brian Cashman went to California and he became a Yankee. This is Boston returning serve. If Theo, and Henry are going to Texas it is not to sample the BBQ. They are going to close a deal. Money talks and BS walks.

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No he wouldn't. Wait 3 more years, he'll be 28 (like Tex is right now) and he'll command 20-25 million/yr on the open market, and he'll get it from a team that actually goes out and gets players (like say, the Red Sox). Why would he lock himself in at a discount rate with a team that isn't doing everything it can to win?

Markakis will never be in the 20 million plus club. The reason you might sign an extension is it is a guarantee against injury or decreasing performance. This is the one time for Markakis to do that.

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