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Pavano signs with Indians

Big Keys Fan

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Would Pavano had made the Orioles starting rotation? yes

Would Pavano be taking starts from a young, upcoming pitcher who is major league ready? I don't think so

Is the contract offered relatively modest so as to not disturb the O's payroll and salary structure? I think so

Did the Orioles make Pavano an offer? I haven't heard they did

Should they have pursued him for what the Indians offered? I think so

Would they have been able to sign him to a similar offer? No, the O's recent past of losing seasons and last years last place finish seems to mean the O's need to pay players a premium to play in Baltimore and that doesn't jibe with the 'hometown discount' which has replaced Orioles Magic as the team's motto.

Good for Cleveland, Good for Pavano.

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Would Pavano had made the Orioles starting rotation? yes

Would Pavano be taking starts from a young, upcoming pitcher who is major league ready? I don't think so

Is the contract offered relatively modest so as to not disturb the O's payroll and salary structure? I think so

Did the Orioles make Pavano an offer? I haven't heard they did

Should they have pursued him for what the Indians offered? I think so

Would they have been able to sign him to a similar offer? No, the O's recent past of losing seasons and last years last place finish seems to mean the O's need to pay players a premium to play in Baltimore and that doesn't jibe with the 'hometown discount' which has replaced Orioles Magic as the team's motto.

Good for Cleveland, Good for Pavano.


I know you like to beat up on the Orioles, but c'mon! The fact that we haven't heard about a Pavano offer doesn't mean the Orioles didn't at least consider him. I don't know about you, but I don't spend a lot of time broadcasting my failures to the world...nor do I spend a lot of time talking about things I haven't done or didn't do.

Pavano may simply have felt that spending most of his time pitching to the Tigers, Twins, Royals and White Sox in the rather spacious confines of Jacobs Field was preferable to getting chewed up by the Blue Jays, Rays, Red $ox and Yankee$ in Camden Yards.

Don't assume that everything bad that ever happens to this team (or everything good that doesn't happen) is solely and entirely the Orioles' fault.

Oh, and have I told you about the time I didn't sleep with Jennifer Anniston? Yeah, I didn't think so...


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If he does well, then the critics will harp on forever complaining how we missed the bus. If he doesn't do well, we will never hear about this again. That's how it works around here.

My personal opinion is that this is a good risk for the Indians. Would he have agreed to similar terms with the Orioles? I don't know.

Thread should have closed right here.

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  • 3 months later...

Well he made it the 2nd inning, giving up 5 in the 1st and 4 more on no outs in the 2nd in his 1st start for Cleveland against the Rangers.

1.0 IP, 6 H, 9 R, 9 ER, 3 BB, 1 SO, 2 HR, 39-21 (PC-ST), 81.00 ERA :eek:

ESPN recap

Byrd's homer was a three-run shot that capped a five-run first off Carl Pavano (0-1), who made his first start for Cleveland after being a free-agent bust with the Yankees the past four seasons.

"I was trying to be aggressive and I let some pitches get away from me," said Pavano who gave up nine runs pitching into the second. "That put me more in a defensive mode. It's disappointing."

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Just in Pavano's defense...

The wind was at a sustained 24mph with gusts up to 40 blowing in, which means the wind hits the luxury boxes over home plate and creates the fabled "jet stream " in the BPIA. With him being a fly ball guy the last several seasons and facing the Texas lineup, that was a recipe for disaster.

I am not surprised to see him get lit up. There was 7 home runs that game. Lets wait a while before totally giving up on the guy.

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