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What did the Orioles ever do for YOU or ME? I think I can answer that.

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It's the emotion you invest. The highs and lows over years and years. Been a fan since I was a kid, I can't imagine rooting for anyone else or NOT caring what the Os are up to.

I am also a Buffalo Bills and Sabres fan. Between the three, I have witnessed ONE championship and that was in 1983 when I was a kid and I barely remember it. Been close several times, lots of heartbreakers. Just trying to imagine the day one of my teams wins it all.

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My twins were born in 2000, and one of them asked me during the 2010 season, "Dad, why do you watch the Orioles? They never win. " The reason I gave her was that my dad instilled upon me a love of the O's and baseball, and that means in the good and the bad times. 

We are in a really good time now, but I'll watch them no matter what.  

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I really like this take Roy, as the Orioles have certainly lifted me up as well.

The O’s were gifted to me by my grandfather. He was an umpire on the eastern shore of Maryland 20-years, to all levels of baseball that needed an ump in the area. A massive fan of the game and the team, and Brooks was his favorite player by far and away — he passed that torch and that passion on to me from the time I was born until his last day.

He passed on years ago, but I still hope he can hear me when I complain specifically about the Birds or in those bright spots like last year’s awesome run.

It can be difficult to describe just how grateful I am for this gift, but I think your post covers it rather well.

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I was the opposite of those females. Always thought I’d be forever single cuz no one would ever put up with how much baseball I consumed. Then I met weams! Ha! Match made in heaven!

Happy Opening Day, Roy!

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So many different memories... listening to O's games on the radio while I was supposed to be asleep, throwing tennis balls off the brick wall in the driveway and fielding them for hours, watching HTS with my Grandfather and then walking back home in the dark, hitting rocks with a skinny whiffle bat into the woods, playing little league, stomping empty cups after the game at Memorial Stadium with my Dad, hearing Rex Barney's voice booming over the stadium in person... 

And now, watching my 5 year old slowly start to pay attention and trying my best not to force feed him O's games. It's damn hard not to, I'll say that for sure. 

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