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Red Blood Boiling

Rex Thunder

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I agree with everything you are saying. It is really starting to become embarassing.

But until we start winning games, or the Sox start losing games and this sea of d-bags jumps off of the bandwagon, I do not see it changing anytime soon.

Exactly. As much as I agree it isn't going to change. I know I will still be going to the games. But the amount of opposing fans is downright sickening.

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I went to the game today and it was absolutely PATHETIC. I would say, all joking aside, that 90% of the fans there were cheering for Boston, maybe more. You had to really look to find an O's cap. It was literally like watching your home team in an opposing team environment.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. The city of Baltimore and the fans of the O's should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, letting it get like this.

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I went to the game today and it was absolutely PATHETIC. I would say, all joking aside, that 90% of the fans there were cheering for Boston, maybe more. You had to really look to find an O's cap. It was literally like watching your home team in an opposing team environment.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. The city of Baltimore and the fans of the O's should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, letting it get like this.

This almost makes me not want to go to the game tomorrow. I went to the last Yankees game at the yard and was disgusted.

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As much as I agree and like Bterps opening post, it's not our fault.

We're all diehards here and I'm willing to bet everyone that lives in the area has been to at least ONE game this year. I think I've been to 6, including a Sox and Yanks game...doing my part in trying to "take back the yard". The fans on this board aren't the target audience for this type of post.

It's a shame to say, but the target audience probably doesn't care.

Whenever the O's get good and start making playoff runs and all of a sudden the Yard is filled again, it'll be interesting to ask a few people around the stadium (and the new posters that'll flood the board) where the hell they've been for the past decade.

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These games did not totally sell out until Friday. (There weren't many good tickets left, but still...) I was in the O's DC team store this week, and everyone buying tickets to these games were Red $ox fans. Season ticket plans (full and partial) go on sale not long after the season ends. Individual game tickets go on sale early in the year. Get your friends together, and make a concerted effort to snap up the tickets to these games, if you wish to deny them to the enemy. It's up to you...

BTW, as a full-season plan holder, I think I've done my bit, so you guys don't need to ask what I've done for my team lately...:rolleyes:

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I went to the game today and it was absolutely PATHETIC. I would say, all joking aside, that 90% of the fans there were cheering for Boston, maybe more. You had to really look to find an O's cap. It was literally like watching your home team in an opposing team environment.

Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. The city of Baltimore and the fans of the O's should be absolutely ashamed of themselves, letting it get like this.

Yep, I have been to a few O's-Red Sox games in last few years and it has gotten steadily worse. A friend of mine from Boston (he did not come with me, he bought his own tickets) pretty much laughed at me before, during and after the game for the amount of Sox fans in attendance. It was infuriating, but what can you say?

They feel like it is their stadium now, and their attandance and record against us is hard to argue. At least we play well against the Yankees most of the time.

And it is always great to hear the PA play "Let's Go O's!" and have it immediately drowned out by "Let's Go Sox!" I think we should just go ahead and suspend that sound effect for the series against the Sox, since it is one that they use in Fenway, and it makes us look terrible.

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Considering one poster saw Red Sox gear being sold at OPACY souvenir stands I'm not going to a Sox/O's game until the Orioles stop catering to the opposing fans. The Orioles need to do something to stop this and they are fully capable of doing this. If anything it should be more expensive to see a game at Camden Yards than Fenway if you are a Sox fan. IMO it's the fact that the O's as an organization aren't doing anything about it and actually welcoming Sox fans that really gets to Oriole fans. They have to admit that it is an embarrasment and come up with someway to keep RSN from overtaking the yard. Obviously fielding a team that can beat the Sox would be the best solution. If they aren't willing to do that then they have to find some other way of keeping the Sux fans out...

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This almost makes me not want to go to the game tomorrow. I went to the last Yankees game at the yard and was disgusted.

Red Sox fans are much worse. Arrogant uneducated scum that are more interested in picking fights and acting inmature than they are watching the game. I truly hate Red Sox fans and my best friend is one of them! At least some Yankees fans have a little class. Sorry if some of my adjectives offend but I HATE fairweather bandwagon fans.

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It's a shame to say, but the target audience probably doesn't care.

And, I could be off base here, but I don't think some within the organization care. The bottom line to some people is ticket sales, and whether they are wearing red or orange, there are butts in the seats spending money. And that obviously can't be said unless the Yankees or Red Sox are in town.

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Unfortunately, it was the national audience that saw the sea of red more than the people in Baltimore who aren't buying tickets. Where is the pride... not in the team but in the city? When a game like this is on national tv, people don't just think the Baltimore Orioles are pathetic, they think Baltimore is pathetic. New Yorkers and Bostonians think of Baltimore as some little hick town that they can come take over at will and right now it is. That needs to change.

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And, I could be off base here, but I don't think some within the organization care. The bottom line to some people is ticket sales, and whether they are wearing red or orange, there are butts in the seats spending money. And that obviously can't be said unless the Yankees or Red Sox are in town.

Probably not off base at all. I'm sure one of the posters on here that has worked for the team like SG would have more insight to this.

Not surprising at all though.

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Considering one poster saw Red Sox gear being sold at OPACY souvenir stands I'm not going to a Sox/O's game until the Orioles stop catering to the opposing fans. The Orioles need to do something to stop this and they are fully capable of doing this. If anything it should be more expensive to see a game at Camden Yards than Fenway if you are a Sox fan. IMO it's the fact that the O's as an organization aren't doing anything about it and actually welcoming Sox fans that really gets to Oriole fans. They have to admit that it is an embarrasment and come up with someway to keep RSN from overtaking the yard. Obviously fielding a team that can beat the Sox would be the best solution. If they aren't willing to do that then they have to find some other way of keeping the Sux fans out...

If the Orioles fans aren't going to go, why shouldn't they sell that stuff?

It's more money for the team that goes toward improving the Orioles.

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And, I could be off base here, but I don't think some within the organization care. The bottom line to some people is ticket sales, and whether they are wearing red or orange, there are butts in the seats spending money. And that obviously can't be said unless the Yankees or Red Sox are in town.

That's part of the point.

They money will be made anyway, whether it is Orioles fans, or Yankee/Sox fans.

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Considering one poster saw Red Sox gear being sold at OPACY souvenir stands I'm not going to a Sox/O's game until the Orioles stop catering to the opposing fans. The Orioles need to do something to stop this and they are fully capable of doing this. If anything it should be more expensive to see a game at Camden Yards than Fenway if you are a Sox fan. IMO it's the fact that the O's as an organization aren't doing anything about it and actually welcoming Sox fans that really gets to Oriole fans.

This was kinda the point I was trying to make, but you did it much more eloquently. I seem to remember "Sweet Caroline" being played during a Sox game at OPACY at some point recently. That is an outrage to me (if I remember correctly, that they did indee play it). I know that the Braves play "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" when we play down there. That is cute because their park is not overrun by opposing fans. But when it is 90% percent Sox fans, I don't want to hear anything that will make those a-holes jubilant.

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