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Songs You'd Rather Hear During the 7th Inning Stretch


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All I'm saying is that you need to stop acting like it is a sacred and exclusive Baltimore tradition. The song is awful, it makes no sense in connection to bmore, and--so it seems--a significant amount of the people who the song is supposed to entertain are saying that they don't ever want to hear the song again. Sorry if that offends you, but truth is truth. Sometimes it hurts.

Why exactly do we need to do that? Why can't we have tradition? Why can't something be considered "sacred" to a baseball team. Belanger suggested to the Os brass in the mid-70s that they try this song during the 7th inning stretch. They tried it, the fan reaction was great, and it stuck. While the song wasn't written here (and Denver isn't from here), it's been linked to the city for >30 years now. So, it does make sense. No need to ignore history and tradition.

Baseball - more so than other sports - is built on tradition. I know that listening to John Denver isn't as hip and cool as blaring hip hop, and it certainly isn't as pretentious as Coldplay. The Os tried phasing it out in the early 80s (and again in the mid-90s), and it was not well-received by the fans...they don't all hate it like you seem to think. So, your truth isn't the same as the real truth...and the "significant" number of people who you're talking about isn't quite as significant as you think it is.

My advice...when the 7th inning stretch begins, put on your IPOD, and crank up whatever trendy tunes you think we would all "rather listen to." Baseball isn't intended to be a frat party.

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By the way, one of the reasons why I think the song has stuck, even though Baltimore isn't "country," is because of the rustic nature of almost the entire rest of the state, plus the very "blue collar" vibe the song gives out, regardless of the country boy theme.

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Also, as I pointed out in the other thread that was complaining about TGIACB, it's really quite unique. There's a ballparks section in the HoF musuem, and my friend and I leaned against a wall for like 15-20 minutes near this little game where you match up the ballpark with their 7th inning stretch song. Everybody and their monkey's uncle got Sweet Caroline, but maybe 1 in 20 or so knew Thank God I'm A Country Boy (most picked Turner Field).

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Society has a duty and an obligation to cleanse itself from things that are awful..........even if they are simply "tradition."

Emerson said a "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." I can't think of a consistency much more foolish than this song. ;)

I've always thought "Wake Me Up When September Ends" was an amazingly appropriate song for an Orioles fan although something tells me the brass wouldn't allow that. :laughlol:

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For those that may remember, if I recall correctly, the O's did in fact stop playing John Denver's song during the inaugural season at Camden Yards.

None other than Peter Angelos mandated the ceasement of the song - he hated it. Instead, take me out to the ballgame was played during the 7th inning stretch according to his orders. But O's fans united, and whether it was a letter writing campaign or numerous calls to the mgmt...and when Thank God I'm a country boy was reinstated the crowd went bezerk and has been played ever since.

Can anyone confirm/deny this story? I'm fairly certain all of these details above are accurate.

This is true. There is nothing wrong with that song. I'm not a fan of that song, but there is something to be said for tradition.

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I remember being at the game were John Denver preformed Country Boy on our duggout when i was young... Ever since I think the song is Irreplaceable!!!

Just another great memory at the yard!

(especially since it was one of his last preformances.)

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What about something by OAR??? New age and they're Maryland natives. Mainly MD and Balmore people would know it, and we could start a new tradition with high quality catchy tunes. They aren't classics yet, but will be in time.

It is terrible ideas like this one that got us John Denver for thirty years. OAR is awful. Keep Country Boy, it is a tradition.

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It is terrible ideas like this one that got us John Denver for thirty years. OAR is awful. Keep Country Boy, it is a tradition.

Were talking about new times then. Something, whatever it is that begins to get played, will be played for a very long time, or we will revert back to TGIACB quickly. OAR is todays generation. Denver is 3 generations ago. Get the young fans involved in something they can relate to.

However, I for one belt out the words to TGIACB everytime I go to OPACY and will continue to do so and love seeing the crowd get into a game because of a song. But the thoughts of this thread were for suggestions.

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You see, that's the irony of it all. Most of the "Red Sox Nation" fans jumped on the bandwagon when the Red Sox won the World Series, and then claimed that they had been fans a full 10 years before that.

This is HILLARIOUS/Sad/true... i hate bandwagoners (WORST FANS EVER!)

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Were talking about new times then. Something, whatever it is that begins to get played, will be played for a very long time, or we will revert back to TGIACB quickly. OAR is todays generation. Denver is 3 generations ago. Get the young fans involved in something they can relate to.

However, I for one belt out the words to TGIACB everytime I go to OPACY and will continue to do so and love seeing the crowd get into a game because of a song. But the thoughts of this thread were for suggestions.

The funny thing is, young fans like it too. At student night, I, along with pretty much every high school/college kid were singing and dancing in the LF upper deck durign the 7th inning stretch.

Baltimore loves the song. Doesn't really matter what age you are. It'd legendary here.

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