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Melewski: Not Much Progress With Machado So Far

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I just don't see the incentive for him to wait another year or more to try and make more money. You're already the #3 pick in the entire draft. Realistically, you're probably not going to get much higher than that. Add to the fact you're a Boras client, so you're going to get your money no matter what.

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I just don't see the incentive for him to wait another year or more to try and make more money. You're already the #3 pick in the entire draft. Realistically, you're probably not going to get much higher than that. Add to the fact you're a Boras client, so you're going to get your money no matter what.

Realistically, his value is as high as its gonna get. Next year, he may not even be a top 5 pick, and thats if he did well and maintained his value as it is now.

Thats all aside from the articles written pre-draft on how he wants to be able to provide for his family financially....Remember(universally speaking) this is a Boras guy, so it may seem like we are light years away, and we may read about Machado posting things on facebook on his intent to go to JuCo, but all this stuff is are little strategies to gain leverage and get more money....Personally, I am not worried about this signing at all, it is gonna happen, I feel 95% confident.....Of course, thats just me though :)

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