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Cartoon Bird is BACK


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all the uniforms


Several things strike me about this photo. First, those are four players who could play on a winner. Not a bad group. Second, Brian Roberts of old would have belonged in that picture......his omission in promotional shoots stands out as a reminder of his changed stature. Third, I'm jut glad we didn't go all Terps football and split the cap into two halves...one with the bird, the other with the O's lettering.

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Yup. Our core. With the only guy with an OPS over .800 having to scratch and claw his way to an .801 OPS.

It's true, not a superstar among them. They're still my guys, through thick and thin. Mostly thin. And none of them will be 30 next year, so there's that.

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Love the bird but don't like the O's on it. Don't care for the white panel and it doesn't go with the orange jersey at all. LOVE the orange jersey. I've been wishing for that for a long time. I like the idea of honoring Camden Yards but I'm just not a fan of sleeve patches. It just looks too busy and with the Maryland logo already on the other sleeve it drives me a bit bonkers. All in all I like the changes. Always loved the cartoon bird but I've only known ornithological so it'll take some getting used to.

*Side note. I didn't think my Bills and Orioles could get any more similar but now they both change logos/uniforms in the same year and get a lot of fans that say "They're still going to suck." "How about putting a winning team on the field instead." haha not complaining it's just the similarities are crazy.

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What a moronic thing to say although coming from you, its not surprising.

The orange bill looks dumb and always has. Just because in the little world of BELIEVE(LOL), it looks good doesn't mean everyone else thinks it looks good.

Now, go back to sucking on the Orioles power teet.

With all due respect, many of us like the orange bill, me included. Just because the great SportsGuy doesn't like it does not mean it sucks!

Just sayin.

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So is the ornathanololothiligalolically correct bird retired for now? I didn't see that in any of the combos.

Yes. It's gone.

I am firmly in the cartoon bird camp- but I wouldn't be opposed to the 89-97 ornathologically correct bird making a re-appearance as an arm patch or something down the road. It did have its moments ('89, Camden Yards opening, '93 All Star Game, Cal passing Gehrig, 96-97, etc.)....

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