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Article that explains the off season (problems)


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Your face is more like Fight Club.

This thread is more like The Crying Game.

It is going to be hard to register for the next few days. This guy had been setting up accounts since 2005, for seemingly no reason. He is fighting with me on email calling me a liar becuse I may not have the exact count right, and there may be several other mole accounts that I have not found. Paul has banned him at least twice. And yes he was Bilbo Baggins. And no. I am not Keyser Soze.

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It is going to be hard to register for the next few days. This guy had been setting up accounts since 2005, for seemingly no reason. He is fighting with me on email calling me a liar becuse I may not have the exact count right, and there may be several other mole accounts that I have not found. Paul has banned him at least twice. And yes he was Bilbo Baggins. And no. I am not Keyser Soze.

God, what a tool.

Good detective work, Inspector Weams. Some rep headed your way. Not like you need it. ;):D

edit: Have to spread it around first. Can someone else hit up Mike for me?

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I'd like to observe (from a distance) a happy hour for posters who've been banned from the Hangout. Start handing out free shots of Jager. Slowly raise the temperature of the bar. And then after a few hours when things start getting unruly, send in Mark Teixiera, John Angelos, Kevin Gregg and Armando Benitez. Maybe it's Magical Mystery Tour Part 2, but then again....it could be something special.

It would be a lot of really sad, sweaty, obsessive people hammering away at their drinks and their laptop keyboards.

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He keeps trying to get all my info that I have on him so he can make up another lie about me. I won't give it all to him.

This is why I told you some of the things I did in private. I just knew if he read those things, he'd find a way to twist it or discredit it. I think all of the stuff you found, even the stuff you haven't disclosed outright in public, made it quite clear that he was guilty of at least a portion of all those matches, if not all.

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Fitting that his last thread should so perfectly encapsulate his essence.

We! Must! Know! The! Names!

My guess at the list?

I think that the list would be more greatly anticipated than any steroids report/list of major league baseball players.

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This is why I told you some of the things I did in private. I just knew if he read those things, he'd find a way to twist it or discredit it. I think all of the stuff you found, even the stuff you haven't disclosed outright in public, made it quite clear that he was guilty of at least a portion of all those matches, if not all.

Thanks for your help. I owe you.

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