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Nelson Cruz almost earned half his paycheck in the first game.


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Yeah, the most WAR you can possibly give Cruz here is 0.5, because his contribution was all on the offensive end. OK, he made a catch, but the pitchers threw 9 innings of 1 run ball, and all the other fielders also made catches. But you can't give Cruz 0.5 WAR either, because his homer was only one of the two runs. The other run he was also involved in, but he only walked. He never would have scored that run without Wieters singling him over and another player putting the ball in play. In any case... I agree with you that he had a huge impact in one win already, which is great, but he didn't Bugs Bunny it by playing every position at once.


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From Run Batted in Wiki:

(b) The official scorer shall not credit a run batted in

<dl style="margin-top: 0.2em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19.200000762939453px;"><dd style="line-height: 1.5em; margin-left: 1.6em; margin-bottom: 0.1em; margin-right: 0px;">(1) when the batter grounds into a force double play or a reverse-force double play; or

(2) when a fielder is charged with an error because the fielder muffs a throw at first base that would have completed a force double play.</dd></dl>

I should have worded better. I understand the rule, what I don't understand is the logic behind it. If the batter hits a ball that results in a run scoring, imo it should be an rbi.

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I should have worded better. I understand the rule' date=' what I don't understand is the logic behind it. If the batter hits a ball that results in a run scoring, imo it should be an rbi.[/quote']

RBIs are broken in so many ways that the "no RBI on a GIDP" is not even really worth worrying about.

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Cruz failed to prevent Jimenez from allowing the Napoli HR, so that's worth -5 WAR in my personal calculations.

Mods, can we please get a sticky thread so every poster can update their individual WAR standings? So far I have Markakis in the lead with +15 WAR cause he has a cute butt.

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  • 3 weeks later...


OOOOObviously, Cruz has not come close to earning half of his 2014 paycheck yet (nobody in all of baseball has), but so far, Cruz has given us precisely what we were hoping for ........ offense, home runs, doubles, and he even has a nice batting average (.290) and on-base percentage (.372)

I would be curious to periodically revisit this thread from now until the end of the season (AND the postseason, should we make it that far.)

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Again ...... Cruz is still quite a way from earning half of his paycheck, but he sure is mashing the ball early on in this young season!

I know that I said that I would like to "periodically" revisit this thread ...... but man, I can't help it with the way that he has been hitting.

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