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Who is your MVO? (Update: Cruz wins MVO)

Moose Milligan

Who is the MVO?  

88 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the MVO?

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Ya know.

Jones is the team leader, and my pick. But honestly, where would the team be without Pearce?

That is a great story and he deserves some recognition by the team at the end of the year.

This whole team has done a great job of playing to each other's strengths and picking each other up. It is quite remarkable.

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I'll go with Jones, but Pearce is a close 2nd to me. Pearce is better by rWAR and close by fWAR, if he had gotten the playing time he should have been getting from the start, he'd be the best player on the team this year hands down. To me the guy that has been the best offensive player on the team shouldn't be benched when he scuffled for a few games, nor should he ever have been sitting to get Delmon Young more time early in the year.

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Ya know.

Jones is the team leader, and my pick. But honestly, where would the team be without Pearce?

That is a great story and he deserves some recognition by the team at the end of the year.

This whole team has done a great job of playing to each other's strengths and picking each other up. It is quite remarkable.

Where would they be without Hardy, since Manny has been out most of the season? He wasn't even an option on this poll, but seriously, if we lose him stick a fork in us.

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Headed into the last month of the season, started to think about the MVO award. Curious to see who you guys would pick.

Jones? Steady, consistent. Could finish with 30 homers, 90 RBI. Good defense, plays every day.

Tillman? Posting another solid season. If it ended today, he'd have the lowest ERA of his career. Hs been getting to the 6th and 7th innings consistently. Could finish 16-7 back to back years.

O'Day? Arguably the best reliever in the league.

Pearce? Hasn't had as many at bats as others but where would we be without him?

To me, there isn't a clear cut candidate, but there can be lots of arguments made for a few guys.

I voted for AJ but I believe Zack, Tillman

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Pearce has to be in the conversation. Without him, I just don't think we would be in this position.

Agree 100% Pearce came on right when the O's needed him this year and except for a 3 or 4week stretch has been super consistent. I know it's not the mainstream pick, but he's has been very instrumental to the success of this team

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The O'Day / Britton combination might be the most valuable aspect of this team. Add Miller and Brach and a few others to that mix; the bullpen is the one absolute standout aspect of this team.

Did you notice opponents are batting 4-for-41 (.098) with zero extra base hits (.098 slg%) against Brach so far in August?

That aside, I voted for Jones. You can start to make an argument for several guys, and a lot of guys that would get no consideration have made their contributions. And that makes it obvious that this has really been a team effort. But if you have to pick one guy, it's Jones.

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Jones. He's played every game, and is having his best defensive year since his rookie season with us (and maybe better than that). He's a very good offensive performer, especially for CF. Cruz and Pearce have ha their moments, but Jones does something to help the team win almost every day.

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Jones. He's played every game, and is having his best defensive year since his rookie season with us (and maybe better than that). He's a very good offensive performer, especially for CF. Cruz and Pearce have ha their moments, but Jones does something to help the team win almost every day.

I get Jones as the top choice, but Hardy should at least be second. You take away Steve Pearce and this team could still survive and even possibly make the playoffs. But you take away Hardy and you would have Chris Davis and Flaherty as the left side of your infield, which would be a disaster, both for opposite reasons. Not only does Hardy stabilize the defense even with Davis at third, but his hitting with RISP I believe is the best on the team, even better than Jones or Pearce.

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Jones...easily. No one else is even close, IMO.

I don't think there's any real choice here, it's pretty obviously Jones. I guess you could make a contrarian case for Pearce, but I think Jones passes him in the one flavor of WAR that has him ahead before the end of the year. O'Day, Cruz, Hardy, they're all pretty far behind Jones at this point.

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