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Palmer Calls Throwing at Joseph a Gutless Act


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A little more info into the situation last night. Reyes acknowledges he overreacted regarding the play at home. Stroman and Reyes say the ball just slipped on the pitch to Caleb (of course they do), Gibbons offers up no comment.

Quotes from Buck and Caleb as well.


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If I had empathy for others I would feel bad for Ubaldo. "Yea we removed you from the starting rotation but now we need you to plunk a guy and get suspended."

That first part's a little worrisome, there, COC! :)

But, yeah, it would be kinda funny for 'Baldo's most memorable highlight of the season to be a plunking of Jose Reyes on the night we clinch the division.

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Agree. I mean we all hate the Yanks and the Sox but it's kind of because we have to. There is more emotion behind my hate for the Jays.

2015 Bautista right in the back by O'day. Yes O'day...he remembers.

Edit: There is no way we retaliate tonight or anytime the rest of the year. We will file this for another day and it will come back around in 2015.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Despite issuing warning to Stroman & both dugouts after the pitch, HP ump Ted Barrett deemed pitch unintentional so that will be considered.</p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="

">September 16, 2014</a></blockquote>

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If the pitch was unintentional then why warn the dugouts?

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>despite issuing warning to stroman & both dugouts after the pitch, hp ump ted barrett deemed pitch unintentional so that will be considered.</p>— eduardo a. Encina (@eddieintheyard) <a href="
">september 16, 2014</a></blockquote>

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if the pitch was unintentional then why warn the dugouts?

...... Sop.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Despite issuing warning to Stroman & both dugouts after the pitch, HP ump Ted Barrett deemed pitch unintentional so that will be considered.</p>— Eduardo A. Encina (@EddieInTheYard) <a href="
">September 16, 2014</a></blockquote>

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If the pitch was unintentional then why warn the dugouts?

Tony Larussa's strategy was to be the first one to hit somebody because it put you at an advantage.

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Gibbons' lack of comment is exactly why the Jays are classless organization. Own up, or at least say that you don't want anybody's players to get hurt.

Is there a more functionally useless looking manager in baseball than John Gibbons? Just watch his body language during games and tell me he looks like knows what's going on or has a clue about how to run a baseball team.

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Yea, no.

The Ump knew it was intentional, he was there at home plate earlier in the game.

No idea why he didn't toss the kid but the Ump isn't so clueless that he thought it was an accident.

He knew it. It's the same procedure that's followed over and over again. Not gonna get thrown out on the first one, except maybe if it's an actual hit in the head.

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