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This message board needs to take a collective step back


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Tonight's game thread is a train wreck. I get hating the Yankees and hating on Jeter, but get a grip. This is an instant classic moment in sports and, frankly, US history. Enjoy it.

It won't bother you so much when we win a championship.

I was watching and all, but I really wasn't into it. Since clinching everything has been a bit anti-climactic. I'm just waiting for the playoffs to start. I'm not bothered by this game in the least.

And yeah, winning a championship tends to make everything better. It's why that AFC championship game back in 2012 doesn't bother me anymore.

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I was watching and all, but I really wasn't into it. Since clinching everything has been a bit anti-climactic. I'm just waiting for the playoffs to start. I'm not bothered by this game in the least.

And yeah, winning a championship tends to make everything better. It's why that AFC championship game back in 2012 doesn't bother me anymore.

Yep. This has been my mindset for quite a while. Even well before we clinched it was clear the next time we would have something to get really worked about would be in October.

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