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Roch: Because you asked (Christmas Eve edition)


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A few notable tidbits:

Will someone please wake up Dan Duquette?

He's not asleep. Fans can criticize the lack of big moves, though I'm not sure who predicted them, but Duquette continues to talk to agents and executives from other teams. He's trying to re-sign Delmon Young and swing trades that don't cost pitching prospects and saddle the Orioles with a bad contract. He's checking on the health of players to determine whether they'd pass a physical. He isn't napping under his desk.

So Duquette isn't going to Toronto?

I never said that. He isn't walking around with Canadian money in his wallet, but his departure remains a real possibility despite the four years remaining on his contract. And if it happens, the Orioles will be compensated for it. Those discussions have taken place, according to sources.


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A few notable tidbits:

Will someone please wake up Dan Duquette?

He's not asleep. Fans can criticize the lack of big moves, though I'm not sure who predicted them, but Duquette continues to talk to agents and executives from other teams. He's trying to re-sign Delmon Young and swing trades that don't cost pitching prospects and saddle the Orioles with a bad contract. He's checking on the health of players to determine whether they'd pass a physical. He isn't napping under his desk.

So Duquette isn't going to Toronto?

I never said that. He isn't walking around with Canadian money in his wallet, but his departure remains a real possibility despite the four years remaining on his contract. And if it happens, the Orioles will be compensated for it. Those discussions have taken place, according to sources.


We see all the money being thrown around in baseball and the fact that DD has been a big part of making the O's a winning team and I have to wonder why anyone would think that Peter Angelos would let DD go instead of giving him a new title and a couple of million more dollars a year. I think in the grand scheme of things the money is not going to hurt the O's near as much as DD leaving. Peter has to know that.

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We see all the money being thrown around in baseball and the fact that DD has been a big part of making the O's a winning team and I have to wonder why anyone would think that Peter Angelos would let DD go instead of giving him a new title and a couple of million more dollars a year. I think in the grand scheme of things the money is not going to hurt the O's near as much as DD leaving. Peter has to know that.

Roch generally doesn't throw things like "but his departure remains a real possibility" out there lightly.

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Roch generally doesn't throw things like "but his departure remains a real possibility" out there lightly.

I like Roch. Enjoy reading his stuff. But he is wrong about as much as he is right at times. This is one of those times IMO. Peter letting DD go to Toronto defies logic.

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We see all the money being thrown around in baseball and the fact that DD has been a big part of making the O's a winning team and I have to wonder why anyone would think that Peter Angelos would let DD go instead of giving him a new title and a couple of million more dollars a year. I think in the grand scheme of things the money is not going to hurt the O's near as much as DD leaving. Peter has to know that.

How would DD become the CEO/President of the Orioles?? I don't think Peter or John would approve that.

If and when he's offered the job, he will take it.

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I like Roch. Enjoy reading his stuff. But he is wrong about as much as he is right at times. This is one of those times IMO. Peter letting DD go to Toronto defies logic.

What if DD WANTS to be in Toronto? Maybe he likes it there. I don't think you can dismiss it based on the continual talk about it.

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I haven't commented on this matter because I didn't want to buy in to all of the drama this rumor generates. Coupled with this piece of news I recently heard that Duquette h as "lots" of family in Toronto. It's sounding less like media hype everyday.

Losing Duquette now would be the worst possible thing that could happen to this team. Some crucial decisions need to be made this year going into next year. Decisions that will shape the future direction of the team. Duquette has the plan, he has the vision for the future of the O's. More importantly he has the fortitude to see it through no matter whose feathers get ruffled. I fear that if he leaves it's back to square one.

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I haven't commented on this matter because I didn't want to buy in to all of the drama this rumor generates. Coupled with this piece of news I recently heard that Duquette h as "lots" of family in Toronto. It's sounding less like media hype everyday.

Losing Duquette now would be the worst possible thing that could happen to this team. Some crucial decisions need to be made this year going into next year. Decisions that will shape the future direction of the team. Duquette has the plan, he has the vision for the future of the O's. More importantly he has the fortitude to see it through no matter whose feathers get ruffled. I fear that if he leaves it's back to square one.

I hope that Brady has been groomed well. Not that he necessarily would move into the GM job, but that he would provide continuity to DD's plan.

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I like Roch. Enjoy reading his stuff. But he is wrong about as much as he is right at times. This is one of those times IMO. Peter letting DD go to Toronto defies logic.

If he really wants to go, there is no sense keeping him here. I started out thinking this was all nonsense but DD not putting it to bed when he had an opportunity, the continued stories and now Roch giving it legs makes it sound like it's just a matter of determining compensation.

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I haven't commented on this matter because I didn't want to buy in to all of the drama this rumor generates. Coupled with this piece of news I recently heard that Duquette h as "lots" of family in Toronto. It's sounding less like media hype everyday.

Losing Duquette now would be the worst possible thing that could happen to this team. Some crucial decisions need to be made this year going into next year. Decisions that will shape the future direction of the team. Duquette has the plan, he has the vision for the future of the O's. More importantly he has the fortitude to see it through no matter whose feathers get ruffled. I fear that if he leaves it's back to square one.

i don't think location has much to do with DD desire for a promotion. Its about money and power.

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If he really wants to go, there is no sense keeping him here. I started out thinking this was all nonsense but DD not putting it to bed when he had an opportunity, the continued stories and now Roch giving it legs makes it sound like it's just a matter of determining compensation.

Who says DD wants to go? He wants more money and a promotion.

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How would DD become the CEO/President of the Orioles?? I don't think Peter or John would approve that.

If and when he's offered the job, he will take it.

The Angelos' can restructure the front office and give DD a title he likes, the money the wants and define the job to make everyone happy. And I think they will.

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    • Thats how you frame.  You bring the ball up into the zone.  If your glove is set at target and then you go down for the low pitch momentum and gravity will carry the glove and ball lower and out of the zone.  Same with inside/outside pieces, if you show target and move out towards the edge of plate, momentum will carry glove & ball further away. Catchers are taught the show target first, then drop glove down and catch the ball with a motioning coming up.  Same for inside/outside pitch’s, the glove will start further away and then you catch it with a motion bringing it into zone.   It’s much more difficult to do hence the missed ball (a lot of that at lower levels).  The very good framers do it effortlessly and smoothly and can bring the ball into zone for strikes.  Gone are the days of “stick it” & turn your wrist.  
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    • Hays I 100% think he was bitter and resentful. About a month ago he had a decently big game and they interviewed him on field and he didn’t even seem happy. Then, Melanie asked him what it was like to be in left field with the (I don’t remember what it was called) Cowser cheering section. He did not seem amused at all. So yeah, prob another reason it was best he was traded. 
    • Just what @398 to Leftsaid in his post.  I was sitting in my car listening to the whole interview and Law said something like his reporting that Hayes wouldn’t be that missed in the locker room.  It surprised me and Bob never followed up on it.  It was just a quick remark like that.  
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