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Batted Ball Distance and hot streaks


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Not arguing that. Me I think the author was incorrect in his statement.

But he wasn't calling Buck stupid.

This guy has a little niche thing that he's passionate about. That's fine. I'm sure he has great research. Calling Buck ignorant about his little baby was too much.

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This guy has a little niche thing that he's passionate about. That's fine. I'm sure he has great research. Calling Buck ignorant about his little baby was too much.

In all honesty I think the guy was trying to make a joke.

It certainly isn't enough to get one's boxers in a bind.

Pretty sure Buck doesn't need us out there defending his honor.

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I think Buck is very attuned to sabremetrics and applies them in principle. That he doesn't apply certain things according to strict parameters and interpretations of some sabremetric followers becomes upsetting and annoying to them. Lough and Young playing time are examples. Implying that Buck should play Pearce over Paredes at this point based on Paredes minor league stats could be construed as fairly assinine. I'm sure he'd have had the same exact opinion 80 AB's ago. Managers have more information in addition to the statistics available to them than guys on a blog. Criticize Buck, fine, but calling him "ignorant" of things doesn't do much for this guys credibility imo.


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Because he is infallible? Do you disagree with the statement that he plays the hot hand or the data that shows its (lack of) predictive value?

What is the window for which we are discussing "predictive value?" If we mean for the rest of the guy's career, then maybe it doesn't. But guys have hot and cold streaks. I see nothing wrong with riding out a hot streak even if a player may eventually turn into a pumpkin.

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