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As much as most of us root for Crush... He's not helping on offense...

Bazooka Jones

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Hardy's AB in general have looked a lot better than AJ's or CD's. He is hitting the ball hard often the other way.

I agree here. I think JJ has shown some signs of being able to get things going.

I have little concern about AJ. To me the prob with AJ is that pitchers have no reason to pitch to him right now as the guys around him are not protecting him whatsoever. We all know that AJ is not the most patient hitter, he needs to have guys who keep pitchers honest around him. If not you get what we have seen this month.

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True but he was terrible all of last season and hit .245 after the All Star break in 2013. He has looked lost for over a year so it's hard to imagine that he is going to snap out of it.

If you are saying that he might be as bad as last year, I would say you are right. If he had played 155 games last year he was on a pace to hit 31 homers and drive in 87. That about what he is doing now.

He is not the player he was in 2013. Every since the others teams consistently overshifted on defense and threw inside he has not adjusted enough of over come it.

I think we all have to adjust our expectations. 30 homers and 87 RBIs is not that bad. Don't expect him to carry the team. Expect him to contribute over the whole season offensively and play good defense at first base.

If the O's need to make adjustments at other positions - so be it.

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He is not dropping him down in the order because that would be a reaction to the past, and the SSS past is not a good predictor of what is going to happen tonight. His wOBA for the year is higher than last years. We know he is streaky. We know he can bust out at any moment. Why are we overreacting to every slump a streaky hitter has?

Maybe because he hit under .200 last year, is almost there this year, and even though he might hit the occasional homer, most of his at bats are worthless.

I've been joking lately that if MLB really wants to speed up the game, they could just skip Davis' at bats and give him a K in the books. Save about 2 to 3 minutes each at bat and get the same result.

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Really a 3 week slump and he's toast? Check out AJ's numbers the last 3 weeks. Look at ARoid, two hip surgeries, he's out for a over a year and he is still able to be productive at 40. Or Howard whom every body was certain was done. Players tend to look lost when they slump. I'd give him another month before I'm thinking he's toast.

Jones is in a slump. Davis is in a prolonged 2 month drought. Looking at their overall season stats, through two months mind you, a third of the season, shows the difference between a slump (AJ) and a problem (Crush).

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Are they even getting a 500 OPS out of the shortstop position?

What about left and right field?

Second base?

As down as I am on Davis right now, you're right...the whole team (minus Manny and Paredes, stinks right now.

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Maybe because he hit under .200 last year, is almost there this year, and even though he might hit the occasional homer, most of his at bats are worthless.

I've been joking lately that if MLB really wants to speed up the game, they could just skip Davis' at bats and give him a K in the books. Save about 2 to 3 minutes each at bat and get the same result.

If Batting average is what you are basing things on then Delmon should be hitting cleanup.
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Jones is in a slump. Davis is in a prolonged 2 month drought. Looking at their overall season stats, through two months mind you, a third of the season, shows the difference between a slump (AJ) and a problem (Crush).

Yeah, I don't see how anybody cannot see a problem here considering all the factors/circumstances. I think we were all hoping for better this year, but the process doesn't look good. I'm not sure I'm content with 35/87 if that equates to another 95 OPS+. But, I'm not sure we have much better options at this point either. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be considering new ones though. I'll agree that his defense has looked good though.

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Jones is in a slump. Davis is in a prolonged 2 month drought. Looking at their overall season stats, through two months mind you, a third of the season, shows the difference between a slump (AJ) and a problem (Crush).
Do you ever bother to look at the numbers this is just false. April March .883 OPS. May .555. So he has been slumping a month exactly the same as Jones at .566 ops for May.
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As down as I am on Davis right now, you're right...the whole team (minus Manny and Paredes, stinks right now.
If you visit BBR you'll find that actually the hottest hitters the last two weeks are Joseph, Snider, Pearce, and Paredes in that order. The coldest are Jones followed by Hardy, Davis and Manny.
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Do you ever bother to look at the numbers this is just false. April March .883 OPS. May .555. So he has been slumping a month exactly the same as Jones at .566 ops for May.

What's March have to do with the price of tea in China...the season started April 6.

But, I just looked and you're right. I apologize and quite frankly am shocked.

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If you visit BBR you'll find that actually the hottest hitters the last two weeks are Joseph, Snider, Pearce, and Paredes in that order. The coldest are Jones followed by Hardy, Davis and Manny.

You taking advice from Soprano? (inside joke as T used to always show evidence to prove me wrong.)

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Herman. Please read the below link/quote/study and respond.


Momentum is a big part of sports and it is not measurable from a statistical perspective. That's why I can't stand saber-metrics and statistical based arguments and I don't like when people use it as the foundation of their argument. Stats are important but they often times do not illustrate what is actually happening.

I understand the concept that 1=1. A strikeout is the same as a pop out etc. I get it. However, like it says in the article, a strikeout eliminates the possibility of a productive out. Not putting the ball in play also eliminates the possibility for the ball to find a hole. Chris Davis also has pretty good speed so it isn't like he needs to be a boom or bust guy like Adam Dunn.

Strike outs also hurt momentum and can be contagious. You might disregard that because it cannot be statistically measured, but it's true that some things in sports can become contagious. Chris Davis came up with 1st and 2nd and no outs last night and struck out on 3 pitches. 2 of those pitches weren't even close to being strikes. The defense is literally giving Chris Davis an entire side of the field and he still can't put the ball in play and advance the runners. It's painful to watch.

There is also the argument that strike outs aren't a big deal if the player is still producing. The problem is, Chris Davis isn't producing.

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What's March have to do with the price of tea in China...the season started April 6.

But, I just looked and you're right. I apologize and quite frankly am shocked.

Right I guess it depend which you rather watch a SO or a GIDP.
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Like the rest of the team, he's having a terrible May .154/.247/.308/555 with 35 Ks in 89 PAs thru 23 games. The lack of hitting by just about anyone not named Jimmy Paredes or Manny Machado this month along with his frequent K's magnifies his lack of production.

I also think Buck's refusal to drop him in the order also magnifies his slump. The real question is, is this a slump or is this who Chris Davis is at this point in his career?

In the last two year, Chris Davis is hitting .199/.297/.409/.706.. That's probably a good indicator or his overall numbers at this point, but he's a streaky guy. He's going to go on tears and he's going to go in slumps. In my mind, Buck could be use him more effectively by dropping him in the order during these prolonged slumps in order to hopefully limit his PAs in crucial situations.

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