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Don't know about you...but I want Cespedes


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Good find.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Something to keep in mind: despite Mr. I's proclamations the Tigers haven't yet given any indication they're willing to go over the lux. tax</p>— walkoffwoodward (@walkoffwoodward) <a href="

">December 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Good find.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Something to keep in mind: despite Mr. I's proclamations the Tigers haven't yet given any indication they're willing to go over the lux. tax</p>— walkoffwoodward (@walkoffwoodward) <a href="

">December 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I cheated, I read it a couple days ago. ;)

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I'd become so negative when it comes to this team and DD if that happened.

DD's track record so far is that we will wait until the lowball offers suddenly become attractive to players. The offer to Davis was a PA driven anomaly I think. I wouldn't be surprised if we signed Davis for a deal that if you squint vaguely and put on Boras colored glasses approximates the purported original offer, and we signed Cespedes.

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DD's track record so far is that we will wait until the lowball offers suddenly become attractive to players. The offer to Davis was a PA driven anomaly I think. I wouldn't be surprised if we signed Davis for a deal that if you squint vaguely and put on Boras colored glasses approximates the purported original offer, and we signed Cespedes.

He steps it up when he is targeting relief pitching.

For the life of me I can't figure out why but when it comes to the bullpen he gets aggressive.

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DD's track record so far is that we will wait until the lowball offers suddenly become attractive to players. The offer to Davis was a PA driven anomaly I think. I wouldn't be surprised if we signed Davis for a deal that if you squint vaguely and put on Boras colored glasses approximates the purported original offer, and we signed Cespedes.

If that happened, I'd lose my mind I'd be so happy

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It's a results oriented business. Do we even know what the process is. Seems to me that we'll overpay for our guys but want outsiders at a big discount.

Here I was saying to rage against the process no matter the result. I see the Davis overpay as strickly a marketing attempt by ownership. Nothing else. No matter the results.

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It's a results oriented business. Do we even know what the process is. Seems to me that we'll overpay for our guys but want outsiders at a big discount.

You can't control the results but you can have a good process.

Kinda pointless to rage at the random flux of the universe.

Much more satisfying, to me at least, to be upset about trading for Parra.

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