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Andy Takes Ned Rice to Philadelphia


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> executive Ned Rice accepts job with <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/phillies?src=hash">#phillies</a> <a href="https://t.co/pVhKdte8CB">https://t.co/pVhKdte8CB</a></p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">December 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Mostly a behind-the-scenes guy, Rice's departure is viewed within the warehouse as a significant loss.

Rice, 32, began his Orioles tenure in 2005 as a public relations intern before moving into the baseball operations department the following year and serving as video coordinator for road games, among other duties.

In 2007, the Orioles promoted Rice to the position of player information analyst. He assumed the role of assistant director of major league operations in 2012.

Rice, a graduate of the College of William & Mary, was instrumental in the Orioles finding a loophole that allowed them to bring back outfielder/first baseman Steve Pearce in April 2014 after designating him for assignment. The Blue Jays claimed Pearce, but he refused and eventually re-signed with the Orioles, who utilized a rule permitting them to bypass a 30-day waiting period.

No word yet on how the Orioles will fill Rice's position. One person said there are qualified candidates within the organiziation, though the club could look outside of it for a replacement. There's no rush to name a successor.

Behind the scenes.

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It was also poaching although within accepted norms. At a certain point enough becomes enough. It will be interesting to see if this continues.

Has this been some kind of pattern?

This is the FIRST guy I've heard of leaving Baltimore to follow AM to Philly.

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Has this been some kind of pattern?

This is the FIRST guy I've heard of leaving Baltimore to follow AM to Philly.

Yes, and it's been four years since MacPhail left our orgamization. Executives hire people from their old companies all the time. To me, MacPhail can go after whomever he pleases and I won't think it's the slightest bit inappropriate. I doubt there are too many people in senior positions who have any relationship with Andy.

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Has this been some kind of pattern?

This is the FIRST guy I've heard of leaving Baltimore to follow AM to Philly.

Yes, and it's been four years since MacPhail left our orgamization. Executives hire people from their old companies all the time. To me, MacPhail can go after whomever he pleases and I won't think it's the slightest bit inappropriate. I doubt there are too many people in senior positions who have any relationship with Andy.

Pattern pattern bo battern

Banana fanna fo fattern

Ned Rice, the club's director of major league administration, has accepted a position in the Phillies' front office, according to multiple sources. He will be reunited with Andy MacPhail, president of baseball operations, and Matt Klentak, named general manager in late October.

The Phillies also employ former Orioles executives Scott Proefrock and Joe Jordan.

I've heard that Rice is taking a position as an assistant to MacPhail, though neither team has announced the hire.

Update: I'm told that Rice's title will be assistant general manager.

Half following Andy Mac and half just snatched up by the Phils.

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Yes, and it's been four years since MacPhail left our orgamization. Executives hire people from their old companies all the time. To me, MacPhail can go after whomever he pleases and I won't think it's the slightest bit inappropriate. I doubt there are too many people in senior positions who have any relationship with Andy.

I'm surprised anyone would have any problem with this, especially considering the people on this board who knew this guy's name before this could be counted on one hand.

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Pattern pattern bo battern

Banana fanna fo fattern

Half following Andy Mac and half just snatched up by the Phils.

Klentak wasn't employed by the O's when the Phils hired him.

Jordan had been relieved of duties.

Proefrock preceded MacPhail to Philly, and had been there since 08.

Hardly some exodus.

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