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Breaking: Dylan Bundy Starts On Sunday 7/17 In Tampa Bay


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They certainly seem to be deviating from it, now.

From Connolly, posted yesterday:

"As he moves through this season building up his arm endurance, however, he said he doesn’t expect to enter the Orioles’ rotation soon. He doesn’t think it’s practical yet.

“I’m only up to three innings. You’ve got to be able to go five, six, seven as a starter in the big leagues. So I think we can just put it out of the question right now,” Bundy said before the Orioles left for the All Star Break. “But that’s not my decision. That’s up to them and I’m going to keep doing my bullpen role, which is throwing three innings at a time right now.”

It almost sounds like Bundy doesn't think he is ready to take over the starting role yet.

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Duquette mentioned piggybacking starters.

I think they're starting Bundy now instead of in the 5th or 6th of a game...but will still keep his innings limited.

It'd be irresponsible for them to have him go 6 innings out of the game. Max pitches he's thrown is 57. Gotta imagine they slowly increase that depending on how many stressful innings he pitches.

Maybe he's now available for 65 pitches. Then next time 70.

He's still averaging close to 20 pitches an inning, so we're still only going to see him go 3 IP...maybe 4 if he's incredibly pitch efficient. Then they'll throw Worley or Despaigne.

Definitely not ideal but much better than Ubaldo.

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His last outing was 2.1 innings and 7 Ks

How can you call that far from dominant?

I think FlipTheBird made it pretty clear he was talking about the season, not just one game.

My feeling is he's been good enough over his last 9 games (1.33 ERA, 1.28 WHIP, 10.2 K/9, 5.75 K/BB) to warrant a look-see as a starter.

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They've already been extremely cautious with him in the first half of the season. How is letting him start a game, get a feel for it at the major league level, still restrict his pitch count, going to hurt his progression. It doesn't matter what innings he pitches, if his pitch count is still restricted
I noted earlier that I'd be fine with that. But if they're running him out there simply because they have no other options and are hoping for a cheap savior, it's a mistake.

To me, a test run is all this is, until proven otherwise.

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I think FlipTheBird made it pretty clear he was talking about the season, not just one game.

My feeling is he's been good enough over his last 9 games (1.33 ERA, 1.28 WHIP, 10.2 K/9, 5.75 K/BB) to warrant a look-see as a starter.

His last 9 games, has shown a dominance, not walking batters, not giving up runs, are pretty strong outings.

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If the Orioles have to wind up using both Worley and Despaigne in Friday and Saturday's games, is there a chance that they can retroactively DL Hyun-Soo Kim and bring up an extra pitcher from AAA-Norfolk for Bundy's game on Sunday?

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Screw it, I'm on board. Boston just traded their number one prospect. The O's are going all-in as well, choosing to change the plans for their #1 prospect.

He's looked better with 4 days rest than when used on a typical bullpen schedule. Starting begets more innings, but the bullpen is also taxing with little rest, multiple "ups", etc.

With off days, he could get 12-14 starts. Give him 5 innings each, that's 60-70 more innings, or 100-110 total. It's not that far off the original plan.

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