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Buck, Dan and ownership need to deal with the Davis issue first

Pat Kelly

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12 minutes ago, Plutarch said:

In reality, the monetary cost of releasing CD is only the ML minimum.  If you work on the assumption that you are going to have to pay CD whether or not he plays, or is on the team, then the cost to replace him with a prospect from the minors is only the ML minimum.  Given CD's numbers this year I'm sure that there are adequate replacements in the minors.  

 The emotional costs can be much greater:

 1) The powers that be in the org will have to admit that the entire deal was a disaster - makes them look bad.

 2) The embarrassment if CD were picked up by another team and somehow became a productive player again.

 And for those suggesting that he sit the bench for the next 4.5 years...although a good idea from a purely win/loss perspective it may be off-putting enough to players that they might not want to come to the O's if they know that it is part of the organizations' M.O.

Why would it be off-putting? If you are a first baseman and hit like a pitcher then you shouldn't expect to play. The reason players sign 7 year contracts is so if they end up like performing like Chris Davis has they still get paid. 

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1 hour ago, mdbdotcom said:

Ryan Howard should give it a try.

Speaking of Ryan Howard, the Phillies kept him around for the entire duration of his five year contract and he was pretty much an identical player to 2017 Davis over that time period. However, Howard never had a season as bad as Davis is having now. Even in his final year when he hit .196, Howard still had a .453 slugging percentage and hit 25 HRs in 112 games. The only hope is that Davis can pull an Adam Dunn who managed to put together three slightly above league average offensive seasons after his historically dreadful 2011 season. 

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There are literally zero teams in baseball who would benefit from giving at bats to Chris Davis. There is less than zero chance anyone would want him in their lineup, for any price.

Forget this trade talk, that’s bananas.

They made the bed, now they’ve gotta lay in it.


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9 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

I believe if its not the worst signing in Oriole history ...its in the playoffs. And Chris Davis, whose playoff suspension for PED's also let the team down when they needed him. And what did we do? We rewarded him with the richest Oriole contract ever. Gawd what a mess.

Davis' deal replaces Segui's as the worst in Orioles history.  While Segui "only" made $7M, that was at a time when payroll averaged $65M from 2001-2004 ( http://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/cots/al-east/baltimore-orioles/ ).  Segui only managed to stay healthy for 30% of the team's games.  Davis' deal is about 14% of the current payroll.

While Davis' contract is a huge money pit, Davis and Cobb are the only two deals signed past 2019, so there is room to add Machado.  ( https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BAL/baltimore-orioles-salaries-and-contracts.shtml )  Put another way, I have real doubts the Orioles were going to pay Machado $30M/year, Davis deal or not.

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5 minutes ago, TonySoprano said:

Davis' deal replaces Segui's as the worst in Orioles history.  While Segui "only" made $7M that was at a time when payroll averaged $65M from 2001-2004 ( http://legacy.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/cots/al-east/baltimore-orioles/ ).  Segui only managed to stay healthy for 30% of the team's games.  Davis' deal is about 14% of the current payroll.

While Davis' contract is a huge money pit, Davis and Cobb are the only two deals signed past 2019, so there is room to add Machado.  ( https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BAL/baltimore-orioles-salaries-and-contracts.shtml )  Put another way, I have real doubts the Orioles were going to pay Machado $30M/year, Davis deal or not.

I still argue that it's the worst ever in MLB history. Chris Davis WISHES he was a good as Ryan Howard in the last few years of his contract. 

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13 hours ago, paulcoates said:

After this year, I think he is owed 4 years / $134 MM ($23MM a year for until 2022 and $42 MM in deferred money)

Oh Buck...what have you done to us. That is insane. Contracts like that ruin franchises, that is probably why DD was reluctant. But not to heap praise on DD too much..he didn't resign Cruz like a moron and that was not a franchise crippling contract. 

This org is screwed without a top down refresh with an actual chain of command so not sure why it even matters what they do with Davis.

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3 hours ago, Luke-OH said:

I didn't say it was a bad idea because people here said it was a bad idea. Like I said in my previous response and you skipped over, many baseball analysts did not like the deal. The overall reaction to the deal was at best, mixed.

https://www.camdenchat.com/2016/1/17/10782716/orioles-news-chris-davis-contract-reactions - An overview of multiple reactions, most at least lukewarm if not negative

https://www.fangraphs.com/blogs/the-worst-transactions-of-the-2016-offseason/ - A list of the worst transactions of that offseason according to Dave Cameron (he was recently hired by the Padres after being blown away by an offer to give you an idea of teams' valuation of his analysis).


I wasnt skipping over part of ur post.   But yes it wasnt lauded as a great move.   

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4 hours ago, Babypowder said:

No, it isn't. If you told any baseball fan outside the Baltimore area that, they'd spit out their drink. 

Even I, without a doubt one of the most negative posters here, have grossly overestimated the Orioles competency two years in a row now. We're all wearing different shades of orange glasses.

I will agree however that a lot of hindsight is being thrown around on the Davis deal. This forum was overwhelmingly in favor of the deal when it was signed and there are polls to prove it. Too many people are not remembering that now. There were only a few us who cautioned it could get bad quickly. Granted no one saw it going this bad, this quickly.

Non Orioles fans dont care about the Orioles.   I dont think there would be much reaction at all.   

Its negative here.  You're just used to it.   I got banned from a Cowboys forum for being TOO NEGATIVE on Jason Garrett and the tone here about the Orioles is way more negative than I was there about the Red Fraud in Dallas masquerading as a HC.  

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3 hours ago, atomic said:

I saw this coming.  He hit below .200 a year before his insane contract.  I figured we would get maybe one decent year out of him.  I don't understand the boards general fascination with Dave Kingman types.  First it was Mark Reynolds and then it was Chris Davis.  These guys are always going to turn out badly and are overrated by WAR.  

NOBODY saw this coming this bad.   And CD was far more productive than Mark Reynolds.

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1 hour ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

Orioles would need to include Gausman or Bundy to even get the Dodgers to think about trading Kemp and Hill for Davis.

Well if there's one thing the Orioles appear to have, it's future pitching depth, and since B & G still have upside but aren't our hoped-for top-of-rotation pieces anyway... just do it. Or similar package to any team in such need of starting pitching. We unload our burden at the cost of what we can cover from within. 

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26 minutes ago, MagicBird said:

 NOBODY saw this coming this bad.   And CD was far more productive than Mark Reynolds.

I saw it coming. Like I said he hit less than .200 a year before he signed his contract. How did you not see it coming. 

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1 minute ago, atomic said:

I saw it coming. Like I said he hit less than .200 a year before he signed his contract. How did you not see it coming. 

If you were so concerned about batting average you more got lucky than saw it coming.  There were numerous red and yellow flags and BA was only one of them.

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2 hours ago, AnythingO's said:

Is there any prohibition in the Union agreement to prevent them from agreeing to pay everything he is owed in an annuity over 30 years? I believe his deferred money gets paid out at about $3.5 M per year, just put all $110 M + the rest of this year into it and DFA him. Unclogs 1B/DH, allows Stewart to come up and Mancini to split with Trumbo.

I agree.

Let’s let The Law Offices of Peter G. Angelos work this out. I think they’re better at a structured settlement than anything (on field) baseball related. 

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