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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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1 hour ago, maybenxtyr said:

Being in contention has nothing to do with the Davis situation. If he is in a state of moping around about his play, and is a general drag on the clubhouse, they have to move on. Odds are neither of the young players will be around when they are contending again, but you can not risk keeping Davis around.

I would bet someone a dollar that this team will not sniff .500 as long as the Davis is in the dugout. Even if he doesn't play he's a drag on the team.

Can you explain this "risk"?  Risk of what?  Being a bad baseball team?   Barring some miracle, I think thats a foregone conclusion, for the next several years.  

If there are signs that the Orioles are actually going to contend, then I would entertain simply cutting Davis.  Otherwise, I would just keep trotting him out at DH and he can simply take three strike calls down the middle  and be more of a embarrassment than he already is for all I care, until he says he would take a buyout in order to leave.


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3 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

I hate to be in the position of defending Sandoval but the bolded just isn't true.

First off Sandoval is at .1 rWAR this season, so he's replacement level for the Giants.

As for not making any effort to be in shape.


That is from Dec of 2016.

Have a video:


Good for him that he got in shape.  I believe this was after he was let go by the Red Sox.

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

I listed the date of the picture (Dec 2016).

He was released July 19th 2017.

Too bad getting in shape never helped that much.  Nate McLouth was ripped when he was here, unfortunately he still couldn't play baseball.  I would love for Davis to be replacement level again, but I don't see that happening.

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I still wonder from the tone of that article whether he might just hang it all up or could be enticed to do so.  I think this is what the Orioles should pursue: 

"Listen Chris, we sense you've had enough.  Enough of feeling low, not performing how you'd like to... let us buy you out.  You can take a year or two and figure things out on your own.  And if you want to make a comeback after that, you'll be free to do so.  How does $_____________ sound.  We wish you all the best."

What's the number?  Would he consider anything or would he come back for more punishment - so to speak.  It obviously is draining him.

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1 hour ago, drjohnnyfeva said:

I still wonder from the tone of that article whether he might just hang it all up or could be enticed to do so.  I think this is what the Orioles should pursue: 

"Listen Chris, we sense you've had enough.  Enough of feeling low, not performing how you'd like to... let us buy you out.  You can take a year or two and figure things out on your own.  And if you want to make a comeback after that, you'll be free to do so.  How does $_____________ sound.  We wish you all the best."

What's the number?  Would he consider anything or would he come back for more punishment - so to speak.  It obviously is draining him.

Do you think the O's will keep him on the roster for the entire duration of his contract if he keeps playing at this level?  I don't.  So who blinks first?  CD's guaranteed the the entire amount on his contract, all he has to do is show up for work when required.  I think the O's cut him by the AS break next season unless he drastically improves.

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2 minutes ago, 24fps said:

Do you think the O's will keep him on the roster for the entire duration of his contract if he keeps playing at this level?  I don't.  So who blinks first?  CD's guaranteed the the entire amount on his contract, all he has to do is show up for work when required.  I think the O's cut him by the AS break next season unless he drastically improves.

To above replacement level?

I have a hard time seeing them eat that kind of money, even if it is an obvious sunk cost.

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