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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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Kind of premature to talk about releasing Davis.  Elias has a lot of levers to pull yet.

1) New hitting coach

2) Figure out how Davis reacts to Analytic data

3)  See if a new manager and hitting coach can get him to hit to left field to make teams stop shifting on him

4) Figure out if Davis' move from tobacco products  to gum has made a difference in him.

5) Anything that I have not mentioned.

Elias is going to try to make him productive again.   In view of the contract  and the team not project to win that is the smartest move.

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Just now, wildcard said:

Kind of premature to talk about releasing Davis.  Elias as a lot of levers to pull yet.

1) New hitting coach

2) Figure out how Davis reacts to Analytic data

3)  See if a new manager and hitting coach can get him to hit to left field to make teams stop shifting on him

4) Figure out if Davis' move from tobacco products  to gum has made a difference in him.

5) Anything that I have not mentioned.

Elias is going to try to make him productive again.   In view of the contract that is the smartest move.

I've stated already that the earliest that decision should be made is the end of spring training.

The issue is if he is allowed to do it at all.

Since he has total control and all.

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1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

I'm a pretty black and white guy a lot of the time.

Don't make definitive statements if they are not true.

Don't lie to my face.

I think you are straining pretty hard here to interpret Roch’s statement here as a “fact” so that you can say the previous statement in the Orioles’ press release was a “lie.”     When Elias wants to make a baseball decision and the owners tell him he can’t, I’ll consider the statement in the press release a lie.   Not until then.    

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1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

I've stated already that the earliest that decision should be made is the end of spring training.

The issue is if he is allowed to do it at all.

Since he has total control and all.

If Davis becomes productive again that is not an issue.  Why put the cart before the horse?

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I think you are straining pretty hard here to interpret Roch’s statement here as a “fact” so that you can say the previous statement in the Orioles’ press release was a “lie.”     When Elias wants to make a baseball decision and the owners tell him he can’t, I’ll consider the statement in the press release a lie.   Not until then.    

This was a well stated companion to my viewpoint.  I'm really not up for a game of gotcha with the new owners and management. 

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Just now, wildcard said:

So what you are saying is you have fabricated a scenario you can argue about.

Not at all.

But the offseason is the time to speculate about the future correct?

I certainly can't talk about how bad the starting pitching was last night.

Also the idea that Davis can increase his WAR by four or so wins at 33 is pretty unrealistic.  That would have been a topic for last season when he was pretty much replacement level.

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I don't see how anyone could come to the conclusion that someone lied based on the information available. It is very possible that Elias wants to try to get Davis back on track and made that clear during the interviews. Many things are possible but we don't have all the info. I'm not going to base my judgement on one blog.

I also don't think any Owner would flush 100 mil down the toilet without being consulted.

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3 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

He has full power but can't make the final call on the contents of his 25 man roster.

That isn't full power.

It just isn't.

So they lied.

This is the type of stuff that led to trading away draft picks to get rid of Webb and Matusz.


I'm sure he wouldn't be able to put lipstick on a pig and put it on the 25 man roster either. Taking "full power" to mean that he can do something that no other GM in the league can do is a bit silly. 

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51 minutes ago, Satyr3206 said:

I don't see how anyone could come to the conclusion that someone lied based on the information available. It is very possible that Elias wants to try to get Davis back on track and made that clear during the interviews. Many things are possible but we don't have all the info. I'm not going to base my judgement on one blog.

I also don't think any Owner would flush 100 mil down the toilet without being consulted.

Of course not.

I don't think Elias would have been hired in the first place if he didn't give the Angelos Brothers assurances that he too considers $110 million enough money to take seriously.  When it comes time to cut Chris Davis - and I believe the time will come - then Elias will go make his case to the Bros. because at the very least they are owed that.  It will be an easy case to make, because Chris Davis will have already made it by himself despite numerous attempts by the Orioles to salvage what's left of his career.

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What's interesting to consider is whether Elias has HAD the Davis conversation with the Bros Angelos already or prior to his hire.  Who knows?  I don't get the impression that Roch would know definitively the content of the talk, but maybe only that they had spoken about it.  I can't imagine that a new GM, probably the hottest young mind - definitely one of them - in the game wants a guy who did nothing to help his cause, in Davis, on the team with all of these young guys auditioning for a job.  It's not good for morale.  That's been my reason for wanting him off the team since the All-Star break.  For me, it's not money because it's not my money.  For the the Angeloses it is. 

That SI article spoke volumes to me.  He's done, imo, but if the owners said, "Give it a couple months into the season, Mike, and then come see us..." or something of the like, there's not much harm in that and it doesn't equate to Elias not having full autonomy.  Specifically, because we don't know what the parties talked about or what their perceptions of the situation is.  And if Davis does do well, it gives us some leverage, albeit very little, in moving him.  But I can't imagine he's going to be around long either way.  Even if he is just sent home and they wind up eating the contract that way.

Maybe the Bros Angelos inquired about dumping him and Elias really does feel that it is important to see if he can get it together.  But I doubt seriously, given what we know about the Astros payroll structure that Chris Davis and/or his high pay contract are long for this organization, no matter how he performs.  Bad... see ya; we eat the contract.  Good... see ya; you've been traded... and we eat most of the contract.  I'm happy either way.  He needs to hit the bricks.

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13 minutes ago, drjohnnyfeva said:

What's interesting to consider is whether Elias has HAD the Davis conversation with the Bros Angelos already or prior to his hire.  Who knows?  I don't get the impression that Roch would know definitively the content of the talk, but maybe only that they had spoken about it.  I can't imagine that a new GM, probably the hottest young mind - definitely one of them - in the game wants a guy who did nothing to help his cause, in Davis, on the team with all of these young guys auditioning for a job.  It's not good for morale.  That's been my reason for wanting him off the team since the All-Star break.  For me, it's not money because it's not my money.  For the the Angeloses it is. 

That SI article spoke volumes to me.  He's done, imo, but if the owners said, "Give it a couple months into the season, Mike, and then come see us..." or something of the like, there's not much harm in that and it doesn't equate to Elias not having full autonomy.  Specifically, because we don't know what the parties talked about or what their perceptions of the situation is.  And if Davis does do well, it gives us some leverage, albeit very little, in moving him.  But I can't imagine he's going to be around long either way.  Even if he is just sent home and they wind up eating the contract that way.

Maybe the Bros Angelos inquired about dumping him and Elias really does feel that it is important to see if he can get it together.  But I doubt seriously, given what we know about the Astros payroll structure that Chris Davis and/or his high pay contract are long for this organization, no matter how he performs.  Bad... see ya; we eat the contract.  Good... see ya; you've been traded... and we eat most of the contract.  I'm happy either way.  He needs to hit the bricks.

If the Orioles could salvage 25 million off the contract by trading him, I'd say do it in a heartbeat. But they can't.. 

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