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Will the Orioles eventually increase payroll significantly?


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Yea, I get the basic features of a total rebuild. Don't mess with free agency, trade guys who are in their arb years, ride out bad contracts, suck and acquire top draft picks. All this leads to a plummeting payroll. So here we are with the lowest payroll in the MLB when just a few years ago we hovered around league average. Will we return to a middle of the pack spending team when we are ready to compete again or will ownership be giant jerks and become accustomed to being frugal. Never underestimate the avarice of Peter Angelos.

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I'm sure they will to some extent. How much is the question. If I were the Orioles, right now I would be thinking about trying to sign Rutschman to a long-term extension, buying up perhaps a couple years of free agency in addition to the arbitration years, and preparing to add starting pitchers via free agency or trade within the next one to two years. They will also need to figure out the infield, outside of Mountcastle at first base. Urias and Mateo might be part of the solution, and Henderson almost certainly will be, but I suspect they will need to add somebody at some point. 


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I agree with tntoriole.  The Orioles will be sold when Peter Angelos dies. And it would not surprise me if a deal is not in place beforehand and closes after his death.

That said, I think the Orioles will spend as they continue to improve.  They are not going to spend with the Dodgers, Yankees, Redsox etc as long as Angelos owns them, but payroll will go up from here.  How much?  Well.....that is the 6 million dollar question and I don't think anyone other than John Angelos and maybe Mike Elias knows that...

The question is what the next ownership group looks like...

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Under the best of circumstances, the Orioles would leverage the farm system they have built in order to field a winning team.... play the talent that graduates into MLB until they reach ARB...  trade them for new pieces to put back onto the front of the conveyor belt, and keep the winning machine going perpetually... all without having to come anywhere near the league average payroll.

A decade from now... people will be talking about trying to rebuild their club under the Baltimore Model.


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15 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I expect the Orioles to make significant FA acquisitions this winter, and for the payroll to increase.  

I don't see any reason to expect that will happen under this ownership. I think they'll milk this low-payroll model until they can sell. 

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