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Oriolea moving to a more expensive cable package on Comcast

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I am fortunate.   I live in central PA and I was able to push off a decision on xfinity for two years.  I was able to upgrade my plan today from Standard+ to Ultimate TV and increase my internet speed from 500 mbps to 800 mbps.  The upgrade to my plan gives me a $50 discount per month for 2 years.  So I got this upgrade for $3 less a month than I currently pay.  The contract is for 2 years.  Then I will have to figure out what to do because I do not plan to pay $50 more per month.  I don't know how many of the other additional new channels I will watch.  I am just happy that I still have MASN and now have MLBTV for the next two years without having to pay more than my current plan.

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