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This is why you won't be seeing Matzek in an O's uniform

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I was wondering why the O's hadn't invited Matzek to Camden Yards. I think this quote explains it all. If this has been mentioned in another thread already, feel free to merge, mods. :)

According to multiple team sources, several of the draft's best high school players blew them away when they revealed their price tags. California lefthander Tyler Matzek, the best prep prospect in the draft, wants "precedent-setting money," which is interpreted to mean that he wants to surpass the record $7 million guarantee for a high schooler given to Josh Beckett and Rick Porcello. Texas righthander Shelby Miller, previously believed to be signable for around MLB's bonus recommendations, is asking for $4 million.


$7 million is ridiculous for Matzek. I'd have no problem whatsoever if Jordan and AM told Matzek and his advisor where to stick their proposal.

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I think Matzek is the better prospect to Wheeler, but if its Matzek for $7M or Wheeler for $3.5M and they use the extra cash later in the draft to add additional over-slot talent, I'm all about the second option.

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I think Matzek is the better prospect to Wheeler, but if its Matzek for $7M or Wheeler for $3.5M and they use the extra cash later in the draft to add additional over-slot talent, I'm all about the second option.

Wheeler to me has the higher ceiling, but will be more of a risk to an extent. If we can iron out his delivery hitches he should actually be fine.....

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Hmm, I don't think it matters for the Orioles in terms of money. They will overpay their aligned slot to sign guys. If Matzek is available and they view him as the best player they will take him. Even if he doesn't sign the O's would get a top ten pick next year as compensation and could use the money they saved from not signing him to go over slot for other remaining draft picks.

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My thinking is, and always has been that, if you feel Matzek is a better player, $3.5 million is chump change in the long run. If Matzek turns into Scott Kazmir, and Wheeler turns into Chris Gruler (who?) then you'll be kicking yourself for years for worrying about 3.5million.

Easy for me to say of course. It's not my money. But still.

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I was wondering why the O's hadn't invited Matzek to Camden Yards. I think this quote explains it all. If this has been mentioned in another thread already, feel free to merge, mods. :)


$7 million is ridiculous for Matzek. I'd have no problem whatsoever if Jordan and AM told Matzek and his advisor where to stick their proposal.

As you know, just because he asks for it doesn't mean he'll get it. I think more and more advisors and players are following the Boras approach to negotiations in "ask for the stars and accept the moon".

Any of these kids who are taken in the top ten picks that don't sign are incredibly foolish.

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