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20/20 Rowell Hindsight


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I know it's easy to look back but it's not easy for me to watch Lincecum dominate every week and realize we took Rowell one spot ahead of him.:(

I think its a OH ritual that 1 post a month occurs that says somethign along these lines. I know it sducks seeing Lincecum dominate every 5 days, but its done and overwith, nothing we cand o about it any more, so its definately not worth dwelling on. Our last few picks have gone quite nicely Id say....From the 08 draft right now Matusz is the highest rated prospect in most places I have seen that keep up to date rankings....

EDIT There are some places that rank Smoak and Posey ahead, but there are also some who rank Matusz ahead. If your going off of performance thus far, Matusz's perfomance is far superior to any other prospects in the upper minors from the 08 draft.....

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Yep definitely sucks. I think their assessment of Lincecum at the time was that they didn't expect him to be able to stay healthy. They never doubted his stuff. Just that his small frame could support his delivery.

Rowell was definitely a fine pick at the time, was considered the top HS bat in the draft. But since he's a HS guy, with that high ceiling also comes high risk.

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I had high hopes for Rowell too. I liked the pick at the time. I remember crossing my fingers that he would be there. Lincecum was considered a health risk if I remember right. I don't do this often (if ever before) but I needed to start this thread for therapy.

In Andy I trust.

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EDIT There are some places that rank Smoak and Posey ahead, but there are also some who rank Matusz ahead. If your going off of performance thus far, Matusz's perfomance is far superior to any other prospects in the upper minors from the 08 draft.....

Far superior?

Posey batted .326 with a 968 OPS in A+ ball with 13 homeruns, 58 RBI and 63 runs scored in 80 Games. He got jumped to AAA where in 15 games he has reasonable .255 BA with a 689 OPS with 9 runs scored.

As impressive at Matusz has been I would not say he has been "far superior" to Posey. A+ to AAA is a substantial jump.

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Does somebody have to bring this up every week, it is just depressing, lets get over it, and look foward to Weiters, Matusz, and Snyder having great career's. This was the right pick at the time, draft a power hitting 3B, to one day replace Mora, and be that middle of the order guy who can just hit home runs. Hey at least we made a good pick in that Britton guy, he's doing well right now.

If we lived in a perfect world we would have drafted Chamberlain with our compensation pick, and Masterson with our second round pick that same draft.

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Josh Bell makes the Rowell bust less painful.

Again though, what is his deal? People have said that his approach at the plate is awful. His career started out very well. What happened? Heck, what happened between this year and last? Outside of a rough 6 weeks, last year wasn't too bad at all considering his age.

They might need to step back and reboot him. At 21, he's still age appropriate for Delmarva.

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Put me in the camp of not drafting high schoolers in the first round. After Loewen and Rowell I just feel you want someone that has a few more years of proven maturity, reliability and has battled better competition.

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Far superior?

Posey batted .326 with a 968 OPS in A+ ball with 13 homeruns, 58 RBI and 63 runs scored in 80 Games. He got jumped to AAA where in 15 games he has reasonable .255 BA with a 689 OPS with 9 runs scored.

As impressive at Matusz has been I would not say he has been "far superior" to Posey. A+ to AAA is a substantial jump.

Yes, a 1.55 ERA in AA is something very few pitchers do over an extended period...Look at his WHIP, thats ridiculous....Batting .326 with 11 HR's is good and all, but you may see a few guys putting up numbers similar to that....As for Matusz's numbers in AA, no one is trumping that....

Transfer the idea to the majors.....with all things being equal except position, who is having a better season, the guy posting a 1.55 ERA or a guy who is hitting .326? IMO its the pitcher....

Matusz is having a dominant season comparable to none other than Matt Wieter's 08 stint in which he hit .355 with 27 HR's.....

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Yes, a 1.55 ERA in AA is something very few pitchers do over an extended period...Look at his WHIP, thats ridiculous....Batting .326 with 11 HR's is good and all, but you may see a few guys putting up numbers similar to that....As for Matusz's numbers in AA, no one is trumping that....

Transfer the idea to the majors.....with all things being equal except position, who is having a better season, the guy posting a 1.55 ERA or a guy who is hitting .326? IMO its the pitcher....

Matusz is having a dominant season comparable to none other than Matt Wieter's 08 stint in which he hit .355 with 27 HR's.....

Did not say Matusz was not having a better season, I just chafed at your use of the term "far superior". Also keep in mind that Posey has a reputation as a + defender at catcher. If the O's did not have Wieters on hand I would strongly consider a Matusz for Posey deal straight up.

My guess is that the Ray's are kicking themselves for not taking Posey #1 last year, with Navaro struggling like he has.

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