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McCarver is so full of it...


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his eyes are brown!

Blanton ABSOLUTELY drilled ARoid as a meesage. Tim McCarver keeps spouting his drivel opinion... on the national airwaves, and I have to call :bs:

McC keeps saying "not in the WS"... where else do you want to send a damn message, Tim?

*Spock raised-eyebrow smilie*

McCarver is an IDIOT! Good God! FOX can't come up with better than this worthless old wannabee???

"But I caught Bob Gibson!"


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Well, he's been around long enough that I'm used to him. He seems harmless enough. Seems like he'd be a nice neighbor: not very bright, but he'd be a nice guy and lend you his lawnmower if you needed it. Joe Buck bugs me a whole lot more, just for being an empty suit with nobody inside.

However, tonight McCarver has been quite good at anti-predicting pitches. He'd go on and on about how so-and-so is gonna throw this and not throw that, and right as he said it, the P would do the exact opposite and it turn out fine for the P. It's happened several times. That's pretty bad, especially for an ex-C.

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Well, he's been around long enough that I'm used to him. He seems harmless enough. Seems like he'd be a nice neighbor: not very bright, but he'd be a nice guy and lend you his lawnmower if you needed it. Joe Buck bugs me a whole lot more, just for being an empty suit with nobody inside.

Agreed. McCarver may be a drip, but at least he sounds like he's excited to be at the game. Buck sounds like he would rather be anywhere else. I especially hate how his voice gets when something big happens in the game, a completely fake "I'm raising my voice to indicate that this is a significant moment in the context of the game, but I, Joe Buck, could personally not care less" monotone.

I guess one advantage of no O's in the postseason ever is that Joe Buck never calls their games.

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However, tonight McCarver has been quite good at anti-predicting pitches. He'd go on and on about how so-and-so is gonna throw this and not throw that, and right as he said it, the P would do the exact opposite and it turn out fine for the P. It's happened several times. That's pretty bad, especially for an ex-C.

Seriously. My Yankee-fan "friend" and I have watched every game and been just awe-struck and how McCarver can keep trying to call pitches and keep getting them wrong. It's hilarious. Combine that with the fact that Tim sounds like he started hitting the bourbon at 2 PM and it makes for good times.

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Well, he's been around long enough that I'm used to him. He seems harmless enough. Seems like he'd be a nice neighbor: not very bright, but he'd be a nice guy and lend you his lawnmower if you needed it. Joe Buck bugs me a whole lot more, just for being an empty suit with nobody inside.

However, tonight McCarver has been quite good at anti-predicting pitches. He'd go on and on about how so-and-so is gonna throw this and not throw that, and right as he said it, the P would do the exact opposite and it turn out fine for the P. It's happened several times. That's pretty bad, especially for an ex-C.

INDEED! :rofl: I mean... he has the advantage that not even an opposing runner on 2nd base has... he has the TV view of what signs the catcher is putting down! He's a former C... he knows how they mix up the signs when there's a runner at 2nd...



What a maroon!

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Well, he's been around long enough that I'm used to him. He seems harmless enough. Seems like he'd be a nice neighbor: not very bright, but he'd be a nice guy and lend you his lawnmower if you needed it. Joe Buck bugs me a whole lot more, just for being an empty suit with nobody inside.

However, tonight McCarver has been quite good at anti-predicting pitches. He'd go on and on about how so-and-so is gonna throw this and not throw that, and right as he said it, the P would do the exact opposite and it turn out fine for the P. It's happened several times. That's pretty bad, especially for an ex-C.

Funny stuff....

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His dad was a legendary announcer. He got in because of his name.

Bingo, and once you're in, you're in. Broadcasters are a lot like managers and GMs - even the bad ones get recycled because executives are afraid to think outside the box and hire someone without experience.

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Before the AB I said to the people I was watching with that Arod was either going to get walked or beaned, in order to set up the double play. I was gobsmacked that Timmy Boy not only couldn't see it coming, but after the fact would claim it could not under any circumstances be intentional. What a joke. I've despised McCarver ever since a game a while back where he pontificated about how infield ground balls tend to "gather speed" on artificial turf. Guess Issac Newton wasn't a coach on the Cardinals back in the '60s....

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