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Yet Another Sad Day For Baseball


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Well..the Yankees are only a few outs away from winning the World Series. Who would have guessed it? I mean, seriously, the ONLY acquisitions they made last offseason were a couple of scrubs named CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett, and Mark Teixeira. And they only spent a measly quarter of a billion dollars to do so.

Before I vent here, I feel it is only fair to I say that I have hated the Yankees for a long time and there is still a fairly large part of me that is bitter for Teixeira signing with them over the Orioles. But let's get real here...the Yankees "buying" this year's championship should be the straw that breaks the camel's back. When is Bud Selig going to realize that aside from Yankee fans, every other remaining fan of baseball has absolutely had it with how unfair it is to compete with a team that can spend trillions of dollars to field the best team? It makes me absolutely sick and quite frankly, I don't understand how the Yankees themselves and their fans can truly appreciate being called "World Champions" when 90% of their roster is made up of studs who accepted the Yankee's highest contract offers? For God sakes...the American League All-Star team could be made up of three quarters of the Yankees team.

Call me a baby if you want because the Orioles are not the Yankees, but the Yankees have been and are continuing to ruin baseball for everyone outside the state of New York and Bud Selig continues to sit around and do nothing about it. Revenue sharing??? Please.

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Well..the Yankees are only a few outs away from winning the World Series. Who would have guessed it? I mean, seriously, the ONLY acquisitions they made last offseason were a couple of scrubs named CC Sabathia, AJ Burnett, and Mark Teixeira. And they only spent a measly quarter of a billion dollars to do so.

Before I vent here, I feel it is only fair to I say that I have hated the Yankees for a long time and there is still a fairly large part of me that is bitter for Teixeira signing with them over the Orioles. But let's get real here...the Yankees "buying" this year's championship should be the straw that breaks the camel's back. When is Bud Selig going to realize that aside from Yankee fans, every other remaining fan of baseball has absolutely had it with how unfair it is to compete with a team that can spend trillions of dollars to field the best team? It makes me absolutely sick and quite frankly, I don't understand how the Yankees themselves and their fans can truly appreciate being called "World Champions" when 90% of their roster is made up of studs who accepted the Yankee's highest contract offers? For God sakes...the American League All-Star team could be made up of three quarters of the Yankees team.

Call me a baby if you want because the Orioles are not the Yankees, but the Yankees have been and are continuing to ruin baseball for everyone outside the state of New York and Bud Selig continues to sit around and do nothing about it. Revenue sharing??? Please.

Baseball thinks the Yankees are good for the game, because the Yankees are good for the economics of the game. For that reason I wouldn't hold my breath in terms of waiting for Selig to make any drastic change. Even if he wouldn't to he couldn't do so because the Union is so strong. To play hard ball there would be another lockout and that isn't good for the game.

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Call me a baby if you want because the Orioles are not the Yankees, but the Yankees have been and are continuing to ruin baseball for everyone outside the state of New York and Bud Selig continues to sit around and do nothing about it. Revenue sharing??? Please.

The Yankees competing in and winning the WS is good for the business of baseball. It gets more people to tune in and therefore more companies want to advertise and MLB and the owners make more money.

The owners are rolling in cash from baseball IMO so I don't think you'll see anything change anytime soon.

If teams like the Orioles want to win, they are going to have to start spending more money to put a winning product on the field and keep the talent away from the Yankees by locking it up or being aggressive in FA when they are high on a FA's list even if they aren't at the top.

For example, if MacPhail offers 8/184-192 for Tex, perhaps the Yankees never make it to the WS...

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It shouldn't come as a surprise that a team with 9 players making over $10 million per year (3 guys making $20 million per) wins the championship.

1. Alex Rodriguez 33,000,000

2. Derek Jeter 21,600,000

3. Mark Teixeira 20,625,000

4. A.J. Burnett 16,500,000

5. CC Sabathia 15,285,714

6. Mariano Rivera 15,000,000

7. Jorge Posada 13,100,000

8 a. Johnny Damon 13,000,000

8 b. Hideki Matsui 13,000,000

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