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The Great Tillman Debate


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But Tillman's command has been better, at a younger age, than DH.

So, doesn't that apply as well?

What if the Orioles do a complete 180 and say, Tillman is here and DH is sent down. What is the reaction then? Is that reaction, well that's ok because DH has to learn his new pitch and get better command? Or is it outrage that they kept the better pitcher over the guy pitching better right now?

I don't think you should look at Tillman's command compared to DH. They can have a different plan for Tillman than they do DH given CT's age. Chris has plenty of years ahead of him, and is regarded as a better prospect. It is OK for him to start the year in the minors to get him as polished as we can so when he faces ML competition next go around, he is the best prepared we can have him.

If the Orioles do a 180, then DH just has to wait his turn. That would be the attitude I would take. It really doesn't matter who starts the season in the majors between these two. I can see pros and cons for both to be here.

I think given what Stotle has said about "back is against the wall" with DH, I don't think it matters too much right now about the best prospect being here right now. Tillman will still get a lot of ML innings this year and DH gets his shot to show he belongs. Best of both worlds.

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As a proud father it's been announced that David will be the 5th starter in this year rotation. He will do us all proud!!!

Congrats to you, your family and your son. I know you must be excited.

Sorry to hear about the loss of the grandmother too.

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As a proud father it's been announced that David will be the 5th starter in this year rotation. He will do us all proud!!!

Congratulation! I really do hope that he does well. Any negative comments I might have made about David were really just pro-Tillman comments...not anti-David.

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Somewhere Chris Tillman is cursing at Frobby as the jinx continues... ;)

Congrats to Hernandez as he's earned it.

Now the question to ask, if Guthrie can right the ship and Hernandez can stick, does Tillman become trade bait?

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Somewhere Chris Tillman is cursing at Frobby as the jinx continues... ;)

Congrats to Hernandez as he's earned it.

Now the question to ask, if Guthrie can right the ship and Hernandez can stick, does Tillman become trade bait?

If Guthrie rights the ship, he is the trade bait, not Tillman.

Now, the Orioles could look to move a guy like Tillman if they can get some upper echelon young star offensive player but I think that would be the case anyway.

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As a proud father it's been announced that David will be the 5th starter in this year rotation. He will do us all proud!!!

Well, your boy apparently worked hard on what they told him to do, and he arranged to get himself not just on the ML roster, but in the starting rotation when others were betting against him. I'm sure any father would be proud to see his kid in the bigs, but I bet it's especially gratifying to see it happen because you know your kid *made* it happen. Nobody handed it to him, the bets were against him, but he made it happen anyway. Good for him. That's the kind of attitude and ethic we want. I love it when young players prove people wrong. I hope he keeps on doing just that.

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