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To heck with the bobbleheads. Now this is a promotional giveaway!


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You know, at times I get a little tired of this sort of article. Garden knomes of various NFL and MLB sports teams are sold in many different sports shops now. But since Ryan Howard, an african-american man, is depicted in this knome, now it is an act of racism? So if they had done Utley it would be okay, but Howard? No siree bob.

This stuff just grates on me sometimes.

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You know, at times I get a little tired of this sort of article. Garden knomes of various NFL and MLB sports teams are sold in many different sports shops now. But since Ryan Howard, an african-american man, is depicted in this knome, now it is an act of racism? So if they had done Utley it would be okay, but Howard? No siree bob.

This stuff just grates on me sometimes.

I was thinking the same thing. There are no doubt racists in this world, but it seems to me that some folks look for it in everything.

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I was thinking the same thing. There are no doubt racists in this world, but it seems to me that some folks look for it in everything.

Those are the folks, IMO, who tend to harbor racist thoughts. Crap like this just annoys the **** out of me.

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I dunno, the writer just says it creeps her out a little and she finds it weird. Doesn't in fact call it racist anywhere, but does describe its undeniable likeness to a Lawn Jockey.

She later says

In the United States, www.freethegnomes.com calls on owners to stop oppressive gardening and advocates liberation for garden gnomes everywhere.

I'm willing to march. Are you?

No justice, no home runs! Free Ryan Howard!

Don't get me wrong. I'd do a Ryan Howard giveaway, too. He was and forever will be the R-Phils' biggest draw.

IMO, this article isn't meant to inflame anything.

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I dunno, the writer just says it creeps her out a little and she finds it weird. Doesn't in fact call it racist anywhere, but does describe its undeniable likeness to a Lawn Jockey.

She later says

IMO, this article isn't meant to inflame anything.

I agree. I think some of the folks who are saying that any objections about this are racists, and that sports gnomes are NBD are just too young to remember how ubiquitous those horrible lawn jockeys were. I grew up in the County, and I remember those lawn jockey things from when I was a kid. That's what the fuss is about, the precedent of those things. If it wasn't for that, this wouldn't be an issue for anybody.

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The neighbor behind us (the one whose fence on our property line consists of chicken wire, an old door and lots of non-native vegitation) still has a lawn jockey in her front yard! It's so sun-blasted it looks like it has vitiligo, but still...

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