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As the Derek Jeter Turns (Your Stomach)


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Ok, I'm calling you out: You are really Bill Simmons' friend JackO who he always calls to talk about the Yankees, aren't you? :P

Those were the EXACT WORDS he used this week to make his argument on overpaying to sign Jeter :laughlol:

Oh, and to the person who says Jeter has all the leverage, that's false. He has no leverage whatsoever.

He's not going to get a deal even half as good as the one already offered from anyone else. And for all the huffing and puffing his people are trying to push through the media, and the vocal voices of a few fans, they are going to make the same money next year whether Jeter is standing at shortstop Opening Day or has his head perched on a pike at 161st and River Avenue.

The reason the Yankees have been so great over the years is because they have always been bigger than any one person. They were bigger than Babe Ruth and Joe DiMaggio and Casey Stengal and Mickey Mantle and Reggie Jackson and Don Mattingly and Bernie Williams. They are bigger than Derek Jeter.

I love that about Simmons..if I had my own Podcast, you'd best believe I'd have Shields (SG) on weekly to talk Carolina/Duke, it'd be so much fun.

I did see Simmons tweet that, but didn't realize O'Connell came up with the line..It's true though, hard to believe they want to make a stand with Jeter of all people.

I know he's not the player he once was, and is pretty much hopeless at Short, but no one would be shocked if he came through with an "eff you" (Simmons line) season in 2011.

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The reason the Yankees have been so great over the years is MONEY.

Fixed that for ya. BTW, this is--one one level--starting to scare me. What happens if the Yankee$ continue to have more money than some small countries and suddenly get smart about how they spend it???

At that point, the fix is well and truly in.

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I love that about Simmons..if I had my own Podcast, you'd best believe I'd have Shields (SG) on weekly to talk Carolina/Duke, it'd be so much fun.

I did see Simmons tweet that, but didn't realize O'Connell came up with the line..It's true though, hard to believe they want to make a stand with Jeter of all people.

I know he's not the player he once was, and is pretty much hopeless at Short, but no one would be shocked if he came through with an "eff you" (Simmons line) season in 2011.

Umm excuse me he just won a gold glove. Pay the man some respect KTHX

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I said this in another thread, but it applies here obviously..

Can't believe how the Yankees are handling this and the Jeter situation..These are the same Yankees who gave AJ Burnett $80 Million and Kei Igawa $40 mil, right? This is the guy they decide to Nickel and dime? Really?

I don't think this happens if Big George is still alive. These idiots are going to run them in the ground eventually (not that I'm complaining, but Jeter and Rivera deserve more than this). Not to say Jeter is worth more than $15 Million, he's not, but the Yankees print money in their offices, money is no object.

I can't believe how either side is handling this.

Jeter and his agent acting as if the Yankees owe him something...Are you kidding? They paid him plenty of money.

If I were NY, I would have offered him a take it or leave 2/30 type deal..with an option. They have already offered him a stupid contract.

Both sides taking this public was wrong IMO..there is no doubt he will be going back to NY, so why try and make this personal?

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I can't believe how either side is handling this.

Jeter and his agent acting as if the Yankees owe him something...Are you kidding? They paid him plenty of money.

If I were NY, I would have offered him a take it or leave 2/30 type deal..with an option. They have already offered him a stupid contract.

Both sides taking this public was wrong IMO..there is no doubt he will be going back to NY, so why try and make this personal?

It's NY, how could either side not take it public eventually? Everyone thought a deal would be locked up by now and that the Yankees would probably give him a ridiculous contract offer. It seemed like a shoe-in that he'd be back with the Yankees and that this would be an easy sign.

Now, not so much. I have a feeling this is just the beginning. Every report makes it sound like they're still way far apart.

Regardless, you can't expect anything to stay out of the media in NY.

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I said this in another thread, but it applies here obviously..

Can't believe how the Yankees are handling this and the Jeter situation..These are the same Yankees who gave AJ Burnett $80 Million and Kei Igawa $40 mil, right? This is the guy they decide to Nickel and dime? Really?

I don't think this happens if Big George is still alive. These idiots are going to run them in the ground eventually (not that I'm complaining, but Jeter and Rivera deserve more than this). Not to say Jeter is worth more than $15 Million, he's not, but the Yankees print money in their offices, money is no object.

Ask Bernie Williams how it worked out for him when Big George was alive.

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I can't believe how either side is handling this.

Jeter and his agent acting as if the Yankees owe him something...Are you kidding? They paid him plenty of money.

If I were NY, I would have offered him a take it or leave 2/30 type deal..with an option. They have already offered him a stupid contract.

Both sides taking this public was wrong IMO..there is no doubt he will be going back to NY, so why try and make this personal?

Bottom line is, Jeter doesn't want to be outdone by A-Rod. Arod has what, 5 years left? Jeter wants 5 more years. The Yankees didn't cave for Bernie Williams, perhaps they'll just tell Jeter to go get five years somewhere else.

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Ask Bernie Williams how it worked out for him when Big George was alive.

True..Someone said it earlier, they have taken stances against great players over the years..Look at Yogi Berra, it took him years to even go back to Yankee Stadium.

Jeter is on pace to become the first Yankee to get 3,000 hits, and I just can't imagine either side wants him to get that hit in another uniform. It just should have never come to this. Since I'm a Jeter fan, and not a Yankee fan, I tend to take his side on this and see the team as the "bad guy".

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True..Someone said it earlier, they have taken stances against great players over the years..Look at Yogi Berra, it took him years to even go back to Yankee Stadium.

Jeter is on pace to become the first Yankee to get 3,000 hits, and I just can't imagine either side wants him to get that hit in another uniform. It just should have never come to this. Since I'm a Jeter fan, and not a Yankee fan, I tend to take his side on this and see the team as the "bad guy".

I just can't see how anyone could take Jeter's side. Jeter is displaying a delusional ego by overvaluing himself by four or five times what any team would actually pay him.

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I just can't see how anyone could take Jeter's side. Jeter is displaying a delusional ego by overvaluing himself by four or five times what any team would actually play him.

I can't believe this is the guy they are choosing to nickel and dime after some of the ridiculous contracts we've seen them give out over the years...It's not the money aspect really..If the first reports are true (4 years instead of 3) I'm with him..These latest ones (that the agent is denying) are ludicrous, I agree.

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