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For What It's Worth...


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Spoke with my guy and thought I would pass along what I was told. Nothing earth shattering but here it goes.......First the players that we will attempt to get off of next years roster. Gibbons,Payton,Hernandez ,1 of Millar/Huff, Tejada, and Baez.He also said they have some interest in moving Mora and DCab. Mora would be linked to his NTC and what happens with Tejada. He also told me that a offer is being drawn up for Bedard that they think is a fair offer. If Bedard declined which the general feeling is that he will, then Bedard will be put on the table. If this happens they would obviously expect a bidding war. Some good things could come out of this in my opinion. I asked about Roberts and was told they we would rather not move him BUT if we trade some other pieces and we get a good offer for him we would probably take it. He is by NO MEANS OFF LIMITS. I asked about just flat releasing some players ( Gibbons) and was told that was premature but also a possibility. All right fire away!

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This is all absolutely fantastic news. I wish they were more in a shopping mode on Roberts than just listening to offers, but other than that, I like everything I'm hearing.

I don't see any way they could dump Gibbons or Baez other than just cutting them (and it'd be smarter to just collect insurance on Baez' deal if they have it), but they should be able to move Payton, Huff, and Millar without having to eat the majority of the salary. I think they'd have to eat a lot of contract, but if he waives the NTC, Mora could be moved as well.

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All of that sounds good to me and I hope they can get rid of all those players that they are trying to move and if they can move Mora as well even better!! If we can get a decent offer for Cabrera I would move him too. I still would like to keep Bedard (Homegrown Aces don't grow on trees!) but if we do deal him can it be to the NL so we don't have to face him.

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Nice info Belkast. Its nice to see that Roberts isn't "untouchable". It also sounds like they are going the correct route with Bedard. I like the idea of trying to lock him up, but I tend to agree that he's not going to bite, so they should put his name out there.

Thanks, as always, for the info.

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This is all absolutely fantastic news. I wish they were more in a shopping mode on Roberts than just listening to offers, but other than that, I like everything I'm hearing.

I don't see any way they could dump Gibbons or Baez other than just cutting them (and it'd be smarter to just collect insurance on Baez' deal if they have it), but they should be able to move Payton, Huff, and Millar without having to eat the majority of the salary. I think they'd have to eat a lot of contract, but if he waives the NTC, Mora could be moved as well.

Yep....I think they should just shop BRob and really, i think they should shop Bedard as well BUT I also see the merit in offering him an extension.

Everything else makes perfect sense...Not sure how they think they will get rid of Baez with him being out for the year but whatever, that is minor.

Thanks Belkast...As always...You da man.

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Yep....I think they should just shop BRob and really, i think they should shop Bedard as well BUT I also see the merit in offering him an extension.

Everything else makes perfect sense...Not sure how they think they will get rid of Baez with him being out for the year but whatever, that is minor.

Thanks Belkast...As always...You da man.

The Baez thing seems wierd. I would think they put him on the 60 day DL and just collect the insurance on him.

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Spoke with my guy and thought I would pass along what I was told. Nothing earth shattering but here it goes.......First the players that we will attempt to get off of next years roster. Gibbons,Payton,Hernandez ,1 of Millar/Huff, Tejada, and Baez.He also said they have some interest in moving Mora and DCab. Mora would be linked to his NTC and what happens with Tejada. He also told me that a offer is being drawn up for Bedard that they think is a fair offer. If Bedard declined which the general feeling is that he will, then Bedard will be put on the table. If this happens they would obviously expect a bidding war. Some good things could come out of this in my opinion. I asked about Roberts and was told they we would rather not move him BUT if we trade some other pieces and we get a good offer for him we would probably take it. He is by NO MEANS OFF LIMITS. I asked about just flat releasing some players ( Gibbons) and was told that was premature but also a possibility. All right fire away!

Thanks for the info. So Gibbons and Payton sound like they are the contracts that would be eaten if they can't be traded and we know Gibbons has no value. McPhail has said he thinks and hopes it will be a sellers market and no player is off limits. I have no problem with any of those players being gone including Bedard IF he won't take a fair deal.

We may not recognize much of the coaching staff or players next year.

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