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Let's show up and give them a warm welcome home


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I was there for the Saturday game (32,862) and it was definitely packed. As I wrote in the game thread that night, it was easily the biggest turnout I'd been to in years (not counting Yanks/Sox games). The crowd was predominately Oriole fans and very loud. In key parts of the game, the crowd started their own "Let's Go O's" chants without help from the scoreboard or that horrible meter they throw up there while pumping in crowd noise. The fans did all that on their own when it mattered. I can't remember the last time I had an experience like that at Camden Yards... it had been a long time.

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This thread is making me want to get to Camden ASAP. My roomates and their girls went to the game on Friday, but I had to work :(

I will be there in the next couple of weeks if it kills me. Just hope we're still in 1st when I make it up!

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That's a very solid weekend. Overall attendance is 409,847, compared to 362,429 after the same number of dates last year. At this point, I think that is fairly meaningful. It is too bad that the weather looks awful for the two-game series vs. New York.

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Per Roch, Markakis' comments on the good attendance this past weekend...

"It's awesome," Markakis said. "A packed house, going into the ninth inning down by two runs. It's just momentum. Crowd is in it. That's all you can ask for. It's all about the fans. That's what we play for. A lot of people say we're playing for ourselves. A lot of guys in this clubhouse, we're playing for other purposes. We just want to go out there and put a good game together, and these fans have been great to us so far. We've just got to continue it."


I absolutely loved seeing all the orange.

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Nice to see, although it's clear that O's fans are still only really going to show up on the weekend for now. Which is fine - at least they're showing up en masse on the weekend. Going to take much more winning to bring out a steady 20,000+ during the week, though.

When school lets out, weekday attendance will increase. Not sure they'll get to 20,000/game during the week, but you won't be seeing these 11-12,000 fan games.

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The big question is, when the Red Sox come into town next week, if they are still licking their wounds and we are still riding high, what the ratio will be.

I think you're onto something, Pedro.

In my experiences when I have gone to OPACY, we still outnumber the Yankee fans when we play them in Baltimore. It is usually about 55% Oriole fans and about 45% Yankee fans.

When the Red Sox come here, those numbers are flipped (again, in my own personal, anecdotal experiences when I have gone to OPACY). It's usually about 55% Red Sox fans, and about 45% Oriole fans. I think we may see a flip in the numbers in our favor in our next series against them.

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I think you're onto something, Pedro.

In my experiences when I have gone to OPACY, we still outnumber the Yankee fans when we play them in Baltimore. It is usually about 55% Oriole fans and about 45% Yankee fans.

When the Red Sox come here, those numbers are flipped (again, in my own personal, anecdotal experiences when I have gone to OPACY). It's usually about 55% Red Sox fans, and about 45% Oriole fans. I think we may see a flip in the numbers in our favor in our next series against them.

I've personally seen it much worse than that.

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I wonder how anxious Red Sox fans will be to invade our stadium after the "welcome" they got last September. Nothing made me happier than the camera shots of their despondent fans after that final comeback. Even if some do come back, something tells me they won't be quite so smug this time around.

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Let's pick up where we left off in the Rays series, where we averaged 29,694 per game.

Never mind when the Yankees came to town and the attendance plummeted to an average of 20,287 for that 2-game set. That was an anomaly.

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Let's pick up where we left off in the Rays series, where we averaged 29,694 per game.

Never mind when the Yankees came to town and the attendance plummeted to an average of 20,287 for that 2-game set. That was an anomaly.

As with the Yankee series, the weather for this series may be disruptive.

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eff it. I have the day off, the O's need to rebound after today, Hunter will be pitching, so it's a coin flip. I'm not looking forward to paying prime for this game, so if any season plan holders wanna help me out by leaving a ticket at will-call, I'd be grateful.

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