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Brian Roberts, Jim Johnson and Grant Balfour watch.


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It will be fun to have a thread tracking how these guys do throughout the year. The A's are wildcard competition for the O's, and Yankees are rivals, so I am logically hoping they both fail.

Roberts is doing poorly in ST. He is 2 for 14 batting .143. If he keeps this up what do the Yankees do with him?

Jim Johnson has pitched 4 innings and given up a homer. Not much to go on yet.

Balfour has a 19.29 ERA in ST, maybe the O's made the right decision here. We'll see.

Any other guys I have left off the watchlist we should be keeping tabs on?

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I think there is a thread already sort of going on (definitely for arroyo's bulging disk) but keeping and eye on Bronson Arroyo and Bartolo Colon as well would be interesting over the course of the season since they were targets.

And probably should track the ones we went after that are doing well as well like Tim Hudson.

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I think there is a thread already sort of going on (definitely for arroyo's bulging disk) but keeping and eye on Bronson Arroyo and Bartolo Colon as well would be interesting over the course of the season since they were targets.

And probably should track the ones we went after that are doing well as well like Tim Hudson.

Almost forgot Nate Mclouth who is faring slightly worse than Roberts. Nate is 2 for 16 batting .158. He did have a homerun today marking his 2nd hit of the spring.

We can add LJ Hoes to the watchlist too batting .300 so far.

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For the ones that wanted Garza.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Spring box score line du jour: Pretty sure Matt Garza became 1st to allow 10 R this spring -1 2/3 IP 9 H 10 R 6 ER 1 BB 1 K. Did I miss any?</p>— Jayson Stark (@jaysonst) <a href="

">March 13, 2014</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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The chips certainly do seem to be falling our way....so far. Good point about me it will be interesting to see how he compares to Lough by the end of the season.

Garza vs Ubaldo as well. We may have gotten a more erratic pitcher but most likely a more healthier one.

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Watching how Atlanta's ST is playing out, it really brings home how much health (read luck) plays in a team's season. One step at a time - I'm hoping for no big injuries by opening day, then in DD we trust.

Yeah no kidding it's almost like we won the off-season Powerball and mega millions of the same time.

Albeit the small-market to midmarket Powerball and mega millions

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It will be fun to have a thread tracking how these guys do throughout the year. The A's are wildcard competition for the O's, and Yankees are rivals, so I am logically hoping they both fail.

Roberts is doing poorly in ST. He is 2 for 14 batting .143. If he keeps this up what do the Yankees do with him?

Jim Johnson has pitched 4 innings and given up a homer. Not much to go on yet.

Balfour has a 19.29 ERA in ST, maybe the O's made the right decision here. We'll see.

Any other guys I have left off the watchlist we should be keeping tabs on?

Opinions vary...

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I have no problem with a former player tracker post on the MLB forum. I was occasionally annoyed at how the ongoing player threads took over the main forum, but they could be useful if they were relegated to a separate sub-forum. The problem is that most of the posts in the ongoing player threads were stat lines with bright fonts. And since everybody watches (or otherwise follows) the games, the stat lines aren't helpful.

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It would irk me incredibly to see Jim Johnson lead the A's to the World Series after what happened in 2012 playoffs.

If JJ were pitching for the A's in the playoffs (not against the Orioles), I'd be rooting for him 100%.

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If JJ were pitching for the A's in the playoffs (not against the Orioles), I'd be rooting for him 100%.


I have no interest in seeing past fan favorite Orioles fail. I wish them all luck, unless they are playing against us. Hell, even though BRob is a Yankee, I hope he has a great year...but also hope the Yanks lose every game.

That said, I hope Balfour has a terrible season to justify the Orioles not going through with the deal. Plus a terrible year for Balfour would mean good things for the Orioles in the standings.

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