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Fangraphs: General Managers on the current run scoring environment.


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The NL adding the DH is one of only two realistic adjustments that will impact the game in a significant way within the next 5-10 years. The other adjustment being a pitch clock.

I think adding a DH for the NL will happen, and I think it should happen.

Pitchers in the NL shouldn't be exposed to injuries batting and running the bases. The players union will be more than happy to create more job openings for older, speed-challenged players with the addition for the NL DH, as well as protecting NL pitchers from the aforementioned risk of injury. It makes so much sense to add the DH to the NL.

I agree with every word.

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Pitchers in the NL shouldn't be exposed to injuries batting and running the bases. The players union will be more than happy to create more job openings for older, speed-challenged players with the addition for the NL DH, as well as protecting NL pitchers from the aforementioned risk of injury. It makes so much sense to add the DH to the NL.

I hate this reasoning for installing the DH. It's so freaking phony, does anyone really think we need the DH in the NL... to protect the pitchers? That they're such delicate flowers they can't swing a bat and run the bases? Yes, pitchers have been hurt playing offense but 99% of pitcher injuries are from throwing... There won't be any substantial decline in injuries by bringing the DH to the NL imo, and I feel like this is just a fake justification people throw out there to advocate bringing the DH to the NL, because then you're making it about the health of guys, and that's harder, politically, to argue with, but it's not a real reason!

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1000 pitchers get hurt every season, and one of them gets hurt running the bases or something dumb like that, and every time, it's a story, people are like, "Look, you can't have pitchers hitting, look what happened!" Troy Patton sprained his ankle walking in a parking lot but I don't see people saying pitchers shouldn't have to walk in parking lots or anything. *spits*

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I hate this reasoning for installing the DH. It's so freaking phony, does anyone really think we need the DH in the NL... to protect the pitchers? That they're such delicate flowers they can't swing a bat and run the bases? Yes, pitchers have been hurt playing offense but 99% of pitcher injuries are from throwing... There won't be any substantial decline in injuries by bringing the DH to the NL imo, and I feel like this is just a fake justification people throw out there to advocate bringing the DH to the NL, because then you're making it about the health of guys, and that's harder, politically, to argue with, but it's not a real reason!

There will be a DH in the NL next collective bargaining agreement.

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1000 pitchers get hurt every season, and one of them gets hurt running the bases or something dumb like that, and every time, it's a story, people are like, "Look, you can't have pitchers hitting, look what happened!" Troy Patton sprained his ankle walking in a parking lot but I don't see people saying pitchers shouldn't have to walk in parking lots or anything. *spits*

Troy isn't a good example here. Ubaldo would have been better. No one want to see pitcher except for their mothers.

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There are a million ways to increase offense, some without even changing the rules. They've done it before, they can do it again. Some potential ways include:

1) Juicing the ball. That's probably the simplest. Don't even have to tell anyone.

2) You could eliminate shifts, but I hate that. That's punishing innovation.

3) You could add the DH in the NL. I don't like that, either, because the hypertraditionalists would never, ever shut up about it. When I'm on my deathbed in 2070 there will be someone in the background crying about how the DH ruined baseball. Let them have the NL, for goodness sakes.

4) They could set minimum standards for weight, diameter and length of bats. And make them significantly larger than today. This, over time, would emphasize contact and lessen the impact of fireballers who throw max effort all the time. Downside might be short-term decreases in offense.

5) Shorten fences.

6) Move the mound back. When they set the 60'6" distance in 1893 the average MLB pitcher probably threw about 80 mph when he needed to, and coasted half the time.

7) Lower the mound. That's what they did in '69.

8) Mandate smaller fielding gloves.

9) Shrink the strike zone.

10) Set a limit on number of pitchers you can use in a game to something like three, with an extra-inning and injury exemption. Or number of pitchers you can carry on the roster to something like nine.

11) Make a rule that a pitcher has to face at least three batters. Or just eliminate mid-inning pitching changes with an injury exception (and if you come out for injury you can't pitch for five days).

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Or we could just install the NL DH as they are going to eventually. You think Manfred is gonna hold back that tide?

And fool with the way the strike zone is called by umpires. Not the rules for it. That will do it.

Why not just tell the umps to never call a strike above the belt, and move the tension gauge on the yarn winder in the ball factory from 6 to 8? A lot of the other stuff I mentioned would be more fun, but that would be less mess. I would like to see a return to fat, heavy bats.

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Why not just tell the umps to never call a strike above the belt, and move the tension gauge on the yarn winder in the ball factory from 6 to 8? A lot of the other stuff I mentioned would be more fun, but that would be less mess. I would like to see a return to fat, heavy bats.

Because the NL is getting a DH. Might as well get it out of the way.

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I suggest expanding to a 27 man roster, with a maximum of 13 pitchers. This would enable teams to carry some additional one-dimensional players that could boost offense (e.g., pinch hitters and pinch runners).

I'd rather just limit the number of pitchers on the roster to nine, or the number of pitchers you can use in a game to three (plus one for every two extra innings). That would increase offense a lot more than two extra pinch hitters/runners that mostly won't be used and who will hit worse than a typical regular. Plus, two more roster spots means an extra $1M in cost, while limiting the number of pitchers is free.

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Why not... move the tension gauge on the yarn winder in the ball factory from 6 to 8? ...

8! Are you nuts?!

Just kidding. Wanted to participate.

I knew you knew your stuff before, but that suggestion is power user stuff right there.

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I'd rather just limit the number of pitchers on the roster to nine, or the number of pitchers you can use in a game to three (plus one for every two extra innings). That would increase offense a lot more than two extra pinch hitters/runners that mostly won't be used and who will hit worse than a typical regular. Plus, two more roster spots means an extra $1M in cost, while limiting the number of pitchers is free.

The idea of limiting pitching changes is very appealing to me, because it accomplishes two objectives: gives the offense a boost, and speeds up the game. I'd be in favor of a rule that says only one mid-inning pitching change per inning, maybe with an exception if the second pitcher has pitched to five batters. I really detest it when a pitcher comes in mid-inning, throws to one batter and then is replaced while the inning is still ongoing.

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Or we could just install the NL DH as they are going to eventually. You think Manfred is gonna hold back that tide?

Is there really a "tide" here? Believe me, I hate watching pitchers bat and would gladly welcome the DH in both leagues. But I don't think there's been overwhelming sentiment in favor of installing the DH in the NL. It seems like there are still people vociferously arguing on both sides of the issue.

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