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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Well certainly Ken knows more about it than any of us do, as much as that causes me physical pain to say. I think it's time to consider that this story has legs.

I think it is time to consider that Ken is stirring the pot. I believe that there are plenty of folks posting here that know more about the Orioles inner workings than Ken.

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Sanchez and Pompey. Done.

I will drive Dan to Toronto myself.:)

As far as who might want him gone, speculation of course, I wonder if Brady and Rosenthal talk? He was a player here when good ole Kenny covered the team.

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I agree he's stirring the pot, that's his MO. But I also don't think he's just blatantly making things up. We'll see.
Obviously, it's those who have some sort of say. It's not like it's the clubhouse janitor.

My guess, Buck and the Angelos boys.

I don't see Dan being here very much longer.

I think is not someone in the organization currently. I think Ken has no reach. I believe Ken is trying to make you think he knows stuff that he does not.

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I care much less about the "member of the organization" tidbit and waaaay more about the two organizations talking compensation package. I'm not sure why we're hung up on the former. The latter is the much juicier piece of "news", if it is news.

So, why does Ken not know what compensation was discussed. And who was it discussed with. John? Peter? I think not in either case. He is just trying to be relevant and he no longer is.

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Dan is winning with Andy players. Let's not act likes he's adding studs to the team.

Yeah, like how Andy added your man crush, Cruz. Oh, remember when Andy signed Chen and Gonzalez, drafted Gausman, and traded for Norris?

Folks the Orioles are talking with them. This is over Dan will be gone soon.
Care to give us a two day advance notice because that worked out so well when you did with Rasmus?
Haven't posted in a long time. But, I gotta ask, why is it so hard for fans to think that there may be some in the organization that may not want Dan to be here anymore?
Do any of them outrank Angelos? Why would any of them want Duquette to be gone when all he has done is three straight winning years and two playoff runs. It's not like the team was the epitome of success before Dan arrived and his accomplishments paled in comparison.
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The same reason most people don't know what players a truly involved in a trade until very close to when it happens.

Look I hate Ken as much as the next guy, but at some point it's foolish to blindly dismiss him altogether. Maybe we're there yet, maybe we aren't. Just saying.

I believe other people on this.

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It is easier to win with good players and a bad manager then bad players and a good manager.

AMEN It is TALENT,TALENT,TALENT, with some good breaks along the way. I am a UT fan and when they had Manning, Haynesworth and Whitten, most anyone could have had a championship run.

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