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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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I would be upset with myself and/or my lawyer for not negotiating an out in my contract for such a promotion when I was negotiating my contract extension.

Not one owner would sign a GM to an extension with an out clause for a promotion. What is the point to giving a guy an extension before his current contract runs out if you are going to give him an out clause. The whole point of the extension is you dont' want to lose him.

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There are no promotions for GMs. Supposedly.

Yep, but if his dream job was to be a club president, he certainly could have negotiated for the opportunity to interview for such a position when it opened. It shows a startling lack of foresight for a man who supposedly aspires to head a MLB team.

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Not one owner would sign a GM to an extension with an out clause for a promotion. What is the point to giving a guy an extension before his current contract runs out if you are going to give him an out clause. The whole point of the extension is you dont' want to lose him.

Then he shouldn't have signed a long extension and agreed to go year-to-year. Either way, it is on Duquette, not Angelos to have Duquette's career advancement interests at the forefront. Players are signed with out clauses all the time. What is the difference?

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I think that the Jays might be the only organization that would really want DD as president. Not to slight against DD, but he was out of the game for 10 years until he got the gig here. If the opportunity with the Jays falls through and they hire someone else, then he might not get another opportunity again. With that said, if he really intends to not do his job with the O's properly then he's risking being out of the game for a long time again. His only course of action is to do a good job and, for his sake, maybe he'll catch the eye of another team and get another chance. Hopefully that team handles things better than the Jays and he's allowed to leave.

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Duquette chose long term security with the Orioles over an opportunity for advancement when he signed such a long extension. He made his bed and now he must sleep in it. When Joe Maddon signed his contract extension with the Rays he negotiated an out, which he later exercised. Duquette failed to do so. He has nobody to blame but himself.

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His responsibilities can be taken away from him and he could sit alone in his office for the next few years until Angelos gets around to firing him. We are under no obligation to let DD go. His contract is probably is less than what we payed Wada who never pitched for us.

We are negotiating with the Jays ownership not DD. 88 is pointing out we have the upper hand in the negociations but not as much hand as people may think. The big advantage we have in the negociations is the desparation the Jays ownership is showing.

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We are negotiating with the Jays ownership not DD. 88 is pointing out we have the upper hand in the negociations but not as much hand as people may think. The big advantage we have in the negociations is the desparation the Jays ownership is showing.

And the fact that Dan Duquette has told our owner and lawyers what really occurred.

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This morning's opinion article in the Toronto Star is pretty explosive!!!

"When Montreal Expos president Claude Brochu confronted then-GM Dan Duquette with rumours that the Red Sox were pursuing the New England native to be their own general manager in January 1994, Brochu informed him he was under contract and that he would not let him go. The response from Duquette, who had taken over the Expos from Dave Dombrowski in 1991, was that if he stayed his heart may not be in it and he would not be able to do the job to the best of his abilities....Duquette was out of MLB between being let go by the Bosox in 2002 and finally being hired by the Orioles, ahead of Jays? current assistant GM Tony LaCava. Fact is, he had been available for anyone to hire, including the Jays ? attending every winter meetings in that time as a job seeker, usually sitting alone in hallways and lobbies as disinterested execs passed by. "


Love this last part and so true!! If he were such a valued commodity why not approach him then??

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